Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Wiki Wednesday #289 - Kaori Kurata / 倉田香

 almost to 300 articles! Wow! ... Or not. I just had to edit like twenty articles because I had skipped like ten numbers and just now caught it.

Wiki Wednesday #289 - Kaori Kurata / 倉田香

Kaori is a young woman who is very kind and good hearted. She hates bad people.

Who Is Kurata Kaori?

Art from bank

Mother showed me the workshop. She showed me the bathroom, the bed, and the little kitchenette I could use to heat up my foods. She showed me how to set the lights to match my normal rhythms... And then she left.

I looked around the workshop. It really was just like the one on the ship. 

And I fell into work. There was a button I could press if I was lonely, but everyone had been sworn to not bother me. I built instruments. I put instruments in the small entryway that was separated from the workshop by a door. The orders came in. I completed the orders.

And then one day... I felt lonely. I didn't press the button. I just left the workshop for the first time. They told me I could just drop in whenever I wanted... So I walked to their front door and let myself in.

Clicking sounds came from the living room. My translator spoke up, "hello Luthier!"

I walked into the room and saw Xia's father sitting on a recliner.

"My name is Mkret." I tried to not sound rude.

He looked confused. "Your name is untranslatable?"

I suddenly realized what was happening. My name had no meaning. It was just random sounds that sounded like a name. "Yes, you can call me Luthier. That's my job, I guess."

"Is my name, untranslatable, also untranslatable?" He had a look of concern on his face.

"Yeah." I tried to awkwardly laugh. "It's weird, huh? Xia and Mother have names."

He looked a bit confused. He shook his head and moved on. "Untranslatable isn't here right now, but you can wait for her if you like." He saw I was confused so he tried again. "Mother, you were calling her? She's off with her friends."

"I..." I looked at the floor. "I just kind of wondered if I should be down in the workshop for so long."

"Well, you probably shouldn't!" He made strange noises as he pulled himself up from his recliner. "You know, there's a whole world out there. And I don't mean out in the sky!"

I thought about sitting down, but he was grabbing onto a walker.

"My wife, she's smart!" He made those strange laughing noises. "She found a way to put as many cultures in the same place as possible! You can pretend your on twenty different planets without leaving the same street!" He laughed harder. "If eating food is the same thing as being on a planet!"

"Are you inviting me out to buy me food?" I tried to keep a neutral expression, but my voice was dripping with contempt. Amazingly, he either didn't notice or didn't care.

"After getting my chair? I'm inviting anyone anywhere if it means getting to go out and exercise!"

I nodded and forced myself to smile. He transferred himself to his chair and started to herd me out of his house. It was extremely awkward.

How Is Kaori Kurata's bank?

I only found one bank: Her hiragana encoded act 3 CV bank. 

I've tried to comment less on oto files when it is over small things like handling of plosives, but using this bank will require a bit of reconfiguration to get the best results. Once you fix the otos a bit, she has a beautiful and calm voice!

Where Can I download Kurata Kaori?

You can find the link on her wiki page. She is a nice utau!

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