Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Wiki Wednesday #288 - Karetane Husky / かれた音ハスキー

 I got permission to make an English diffsinger port for one of my favorites Japanese utaus yay

Wiki Wednesday #288 - Karetane Husky / かれた音ハスキー

Husky is a shy but kind German teenager. He is easily scared.

Who is Husky Karetane?

Box art 

Mother Moon was dim. Xia's Dad explained it to me. They were a moon and their sun was very far away. I looked up at the sky. My planet wasn't far away from the sun, but the skies were always so overcast and dark.

He made me feel welcome, but it may have just been the fact that he pruned back his language to be dry and simple with no jokes. He warned me - his wife, Mother, was going to be difficult to understand given my situation.

It felt strange that a Mother would be with living someone else who was also an adult. Usually they raised children on their own. Two Mothers working together would be wasteful and keeping a Warrior home would be strange.

"Xia actually told me about your condition." He looked straight ahead as he used his hands to roll the wheels on his chair. "Said that because of what you went through, they called you Fragile."

"Yes." I nodded. "I was sick, so I couldn't fight as a Warrior."

He made a strange rattling noise that the translator didn't bother translating. "I'm a bit fragile also. Broke my spine pretty bad. I didn't get a chair for mobility until it was decades later. Didn't think I deserved one, but Xia pushed me. Now I'm happy!"

"Yeah, they gave me food that didn't make my guts angry." I looked in front of me. I had seen many broken spines. Training was brutal. "I feel bad comparing my situation to yours."

"They're the same." That rattle again. "Your body wasn't happy, but then someone cared enough to make it happy."

"But you said your spine...?"

"Union Magic!" I finally understood that the rattling was laughing. "It's painful, but I can get up and walk. I can dance just a little. If they had access to your species' genome, they could make miracles happen for you."

"I don't need miracles anymore." I shrugged. "All I needed was food I wasn't allergic to and some supplements."

"It's a great miracle you found that out!" He sighed with a sickening clacking sound. "They've sent over all of your foods and we've stocked your workshop with them. If you don't want to come out, you won't have to for quite a while."

An awkward silence fell over us until we came upon a house. Outside of it, there was who I assumed was Xia's mother.

She raced to us. She was so short, she had to stand on her toes to put her hands on my cheeks and look into my eyes. She was clicking so quickly, the translator simply said "yeah, I didn't understand that."

She pulled away from me and laughed. She gave a quick nod and spoke slowly. "You know, you're the first man Xia ever brought home. I've had almost every species in the Union in my house, but they've always been women. You must be pretty special, huh?"

I awkwardly laughed.

How is Karetane Husky's bank?

I found one CV bank. He has a very nice and boyish voice with clear quality!

Where can I download Husky Karetane?

You can find him on his wiki page. He is a nice utau!

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