Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Forgotten Friday #299 - Usagi Nouta / ウサギの歌

 I read the name as Usagi Nōta, or as the Genki textbooks say, Noota. But it is Usagi No Uta.

Forgotten Friday #299 - Usagi Nouta / ウサギの歌

I have no idea what's going on here. Usagi is a female android that is either 15 or 30.

I think the person managing Usagi was trying to make Usagi appear to be a Japanese utau. 

Who is Nouta Usagi?

Art from wiki

The man didn't tell Martha much about what to expect. But she was now holding all of her paperwork in her hands as a security guard led her out of the airport. 

It was hot. It felt hotter than anything Martha could remember. When she looked around, everything was so beige.

"Well howdy, Miss Martha!"

Martha turned around towards the voice. She froze when she realized that the person calling out for her looked like a supermodel.

"If you don't fancy this accent..." The woman smirked, "we can pick a different country. This is the only American accent I know."

Martha slowly shook her head. She understood that the woman was speaking exactly the way cowboys in the old movies did. However, she had never been anywhere near wherever the cowboys were from, so it was still just as foreign as any European accent. 

"Right," the woman held out her hand for Martha as she switched to an accent that Martha couldn't place, "Adalie. Please don't hate me for breaking up your family."

Martha couldn't help but laugh. Adalie was amused. Martha looked up at Adalie and took her hand to shake it. "I hated him from day one. I was a dumb kid, so I was extra critical for no reason."

"Yes." Adalie smirked as she pulled her hand away.

"His actual ex-wife is pretty bummed out." Martha shrugged. "But this was all the payback she needed."

"Hey, this isn't a favor for her - I still owe her." Adalie laughed. "This is a favor for the hotel."

Adalie was beautiful with light brown skin and curly black hair that framed her face like a halo. She motioned for Martha to follow her. "I've got family all over Europe and North Africa. I've even got some in Brazil!"

Martha followed her, but she could feel the sweat forming.

"The hotel is run by some distant cousins." Adalie realized Martha was struggling when she looked back at her. She took a few steps back so that she was next to Martha. "I don't really know them, but someone's aunt is friends with someone's cousin who is friends with my mother's cousin. I've got connections, so I just arrange a few things."

"How... Do people live here?" Martha couldn't actually keep up with what Adalie was saying. "It's so... It's fall!"

"Oh, yes." Adalie looked sad. "It's global warming. People don't want to stay here anymore because... It's like this."

"And I... I live here now." Martha suppressed a groan. "I mean, I'm grateful."

"No," Adalie shook her head, "You'll get used to it. Until you get used to it, you can complain about it to anyone who isn't a customer of the hotel."

"I'm excited to work again!" Martha tried to sound energetic and hopeful, but she was struggling. 

"Well..." Adalie awkwardly laughed as she stopped. "This is the bus stop. Cars aren't really a thing around here." Adalie looked over to Martha. "You're not getting rid of me that easy! I'll get you settled in!"

I was going to write more of this - about Martha getting the job and working and stuff, but that's pretty boring so I'll end this here! 

How is Usagi Nouta's bank?

The oto for this VCV bank is good enough that I don't feel a need to edit it for this test! The voice is cute and a very nice quality.

Where Can I download Usagi Nouta?

You can download her from her official site. She has pretty cool!

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