Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wiki Wednesday #287 - HaxorLucario's Iris

VCCV is a circle of hell.

Wiki Wednesday #287 - HaxorLucario's Iris

The wiki has basically no information on Iris. Her page name is "Iris VCCV". I didn't know what to expect other than VCCV. 

Iris is a fallen angel who loves Yokune Ruko. 

Who Is Iris?

Art by HaxorLucario

Xia told me that she was making it as painless as possible and keeping me away from civilian traffic. We took private transport at every opportunity, even if it meant being crammed against her in tiny pods.

When we arrived at her planet, I was taken aback. We were dropped off at a beautiful building made of metal and glass. Though it wasn't crowded, there were more people than I had ever seen in one place since being kicked out of the military for being fragile.

Then I heard a clicking noise. Then another...

Xia had left my side to run up to a man sitting in a strange chair. She had something in her hand that kept clicking... I got closer. The translator I had put in my pocket started translating.

"Dad! I'm so happy you're out and about! How are you liking your new chair?"

"Daughter! Look at my arms! I'm strong again!"

"Yes! Mom tried to get you an electric chair, but I put my foot down for you!"

I cleared my throat.

"Oh!" The translator picked up the clicking from the man. "Is he trying to study our language?"

Xia rolled her eyes and turned to me. Instead of speaking, she moved her hand in a way that made a clicking sound come from it. "This is my dad. He cannot speak English. He physically can't without assistive technology. I've told my mother to not speak English around you also." She paused. "Say something."

"What would I say?" Instead of English, the translator started making those strange clicking noises.

"You don't like English?" Xia shrugged. "I got rid of the English for you."

"Thanks..." The clicking was annoying and abrasive, but it didn't make me feel awkward and sick the way that English did.

"I've got to get going, Dad." Xia hugged him. "You can handle this?"

"Do I need to give him a ride myself?" He looked happy and like he was joking, but the translator was so dry. If I couldn't see him myself, I wouldn't know if he was happy or angry.

"Think about if it were the other way around!" Xia was laughing as the clicking noises came from her hand. "Poor boy would nearly break his back!"

"Are you joking?" I couldn't help but ask.

They looked over at me. Her dad nodded. "Yes, I apologize if humor doesn't translate well."

"It's not the humor..." I sighed. "It's just the translator sounds like my friend... Who was always angry and sarcastic."

"Oh." Xia switched to speaking. "You just need to remember that the people from here don't do hurtful sarcasm or angry unless there's a good reason. We're a very docile people... Except for me, but I'm different. If someone says something that sounds mean, assume it's a silly joke."

I don't know why, but I expected a more dramatic goodbye. Instead, she gave a quick wave to her dad and walked away.

And that moment... Was when my new life started.

How Is Iris's bank?

I do voice copy. Outside of this blog, I exclusively do voice copy and Diffsinger. Iris has a lovely voice, but oh goodness. VCCV. I do not put any blame on the voice provider for the fact that CZ instructed everyone to OTO in a way that is entirely incompatible with voice copy, but the OTO had to be edited to be compatible with voice copy.

But It was worth it! Not only do I now have a new VCCV tester UST, everyone will get to hear Iris when used with the voice copy method. She has three pitches and has a beautiful and clear voice.

Where can I download Iris?

Her download link is on her wiki page. She is a very nice utau! 

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