Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, August 30, 2024

Forgotten Friday #297 - チェミー / Chemmy

 I like when Japanese utaus state the intended Romanization. 

Forgotten Friday #297 - チェミー / Chemmy

Chemmy is an eighteen year old woman who is very mean until she takes her glasses off. Then, she cries a lot.

Who is Chemmy?

Official art

Maya's house was different. They had spent plenty of time there when their grandmother owned it.

"Sorry you missed the funeral..." Maya didn't know what to say or do. "I didn't make the changes. They were in the middle of renovating to sell when the divorce happened."

"How did you survive that?" Martha didn't know where to go or what to do. Maya noticed that and led her to the living room where they both sat down on the couch.

"I lied." Maya shook her head. "It was so much worse. He met a woman at work."

Martha's jaw dropped. "Oh... I'm so sorry..."

"I could live with that, though." Maya shook her head again and pressed her palms against her temples. "She was gay. He didn't want to be with her, but... She told him all about her home back in Germany. About traveling the European Union by train and living some kind of life he could never have here."

"That's where he is?" Martha leaned back.

"Yeah. I'm the only person he keeps updated." Maya bitterly laughed at she stared at the floor. "He's happy. He's asexual. He thinks maybe, just maybe, if he gets citizenship, he can divorce her and marry me again so that he can bring me out there forever."

"He... He loves you?" Martha looked shocked.

Maya looked up at Martha. "Yeah. He loves me enough to help me get out of a place that I don't want to leave. He made it clear, I'd get a little cabin on the sea where I would never see him again once my paperwork was finalized."

"You still want to be here?" Martha was confused. "What is here for you?"

"We're not in the real world and you know it, Martha." Maya gestured around, "this is all some fantasy. The 'money' that we use here doesn't work outside of this silly fantasy world. But... You knew that, right?"

"I... I just thought that I was independent. That's why I never asked for help." Martha looked down at the floor. "You're saying that even in the city, our parents sending me money would have done nothing?"

"Yeah." Maya sighed. "I did think about it. And I looked into it. And I would be doing minimum wage work to survive out there. He had a degree and work history and some nights he can't even afford a hostel." She slowly shook her head. "What is there for me?"

"It's funny, Maya." Martha gently placed her hand on Maya's shoulder. "We've got the opposite problem. I want more than anything to work and to feel like I have some kind of purpose. But..."

"They don't want you to, huh?" Maya laughed. "I'm sure he'd be willing to marry you. How happy would our parents be?"

"It is really tempting to reach out and see." Martha sighed. "I thought I could be happy here. I was happy. But now I'm just..." She trailed off.

"Sad." Maya finished her thought for her.

How Is Chemmy's bank?

Chemmy breaks the streak of romaji encoded banks! She is a one pitch hiragana encoded cv bank. Her voice is a little fuzzy, but it is still very nice and girly.

Where Can I download Chemmy?

You can find the link to download her on her release video. I have reached my goal and am out of stories to use for the forgotten Friday articles!

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