Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, August 16, 2024

Forgotten Friday #295 - 熱狂音キラ / Nekkyoune Kira


Forgotten Friday #295 - 熱狂音キラ / Nekkyoune Kira

It wasn't difficult to find Kira - her release video was linked to in the matome. But trying to find information was a dead end. She is fifteen and that's basically all you'll find out without trying to read the blurry text in her release video.

Who is Kira Nekkyoune?

Art from release video (the video was very old)
Martha did not go downstairs to eat lunch or dinner. She didn't feel hungry. She used the water from the sink to take the medicine from the pill bottle according to the instructions.

After dinner, however, she was hungry. She went down to the kitchen and looked in the fridge. She felt strange. She saw all of her favorite junk food from when she was a child, but her hand darted to a bowl of fruit salad. She took it and turned to sit down at the table with it.

"Don't mind me." Her father looked up from his newspaper and then looked back down.

"Oh, yes." Martha nodded as she sat down. She realized she needed a fork, but she couldn't let the opportunity slip by. "I need a job. How do I... Do that?"

He was obviously confused. He looked up at her. "A job?"

"Yeah!" She nodded. "I worked at a lovely coffee shop..."

"No, you can't get one." He looked back down at the paper. "That's not me being controlling. You literally can't find a job here. You don't have a degree."

"But aren't there..." Martha looked genuinely confused.

"Coffee shops? They're family businesses. Really, family hobbies. They might let an unrelated teen play pretend, but they don't need any unrelated adults involved in their businesses." He chuckled. "And retail? That's what automation is for."

"Then what do I have to do to get a job?" Martha shrunk down in her seat.

He looked up at her. He looked away and mumbled to himself. He finally shrugged and sat down his paper. He stood and grabbed a fork for her. He held it out. "I think it's too late. You're already twenty-eight."

Martha silently took the fork and stabbed at the fruit.

"Let's say, though..." He shook his head. "How would you like to be a plumber?"

"A..." Martha looked up. He had a smarmy look on his face, as if he knew she would refuse. "Yes!" She nodded, "Yeah! Do you think I could do it?"

He was in shock. "You know that involves coming into contact with... Sewage, right?"

Martha nodded as she shoveled the fruit into her mouth.

"Well, there are in demand jobs that people don't want to do..." He cleared his throat. "If you pick a job no one wants, then you just need to get certified. Then... I guess you'll have a job. But if you wanted a career..."

"Nope!" Martha mumbled as she chewed the food. She swallowed. "I want an honest job. I don't want to just... Exist. Besides... Marriage isn't an option either."

"Now why do you say that?" He knew why she said that. She knew that he knew.

"Real, fresh fruit." She awkwardly changed the subject. "I haven't had this in so long!"

"I'm glad we had this talk." He awkwardly backed away and out of the room.

Martha waited for a bit to make sure he couldn't see her before continuing to ravenously eat.

How is Nekkyoune Kira's bank?

I found one bank, but it was named Kira 2. It is a one pitch romaji encoded cv bank. She has a very nice voice that is a bit noisy.

Where Can I download Kira Nekkyoune?

The only link I could find was on her release video. (note: You'll need to remove the text after the link for the link to work.) it is super cool to find obscure things!

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