Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wiki Wednesday #284 - Illya Rikiya / イーリヤリキヤ

 anyone here into diffsinger? Sound off in the comments.

Wiki Wednesday #284 - Illya Rikiya / イーリヤリキヤ

Illya was named after Illinois. He is a very determined 18 year old man who likes salads.

Who is Rikiya Illya?

Art from wiki


"Look, I've got a lot of stuff to do." She rolled her eyes. "And it won't be safe for me to call to clarify anything for long stretches of time."

I bristled. Our days were so long compared to the 'Sols' that the ship operated on. When we said a long time, we meant a very long time.

"If you refuse to play along, that's on you." She crossed her arms over her chest. "Do you at least want to know what will happen?"

I wanted to be snarky, but I didn't feel like I could risk going into any of this blind. I gave a shallow nod.

"You're going to be put in a room with a nice lady. I've taught her a few words in our language and how to pronounce your name."

"Really?" I leaned back a bit. No one got my name right on this ship. I had heard every possible variation besides the actual version.

"Look, it's too late for them to throw you back onto our home world." She rolled her eyes again. "And if you don't learn English, you can't get a job working for them." She lowered her voice. "If it weren't for the nice lady who is going to help you, you would be in a refugee camp right now. You'd be more miserable than you were here on our home world."

"So what now?" I looked away from the screen. "Just... Do what I'm told?"

"No. That would require speaking English, Mkret." I could hear the frustration in her voice. "I'm working on getting the data for the translator. Then you can do what you're told. Until that's done... Just don't be a nuisance, okay?"

I nodded and the screen went black. As she said, a woman walked into the room and gestured for me to follow her.

She led me into a room and sat me down. She smiled and pointed at herself. She did her best to introduce herself in my language by telling me her name. I paused. It was too soft. I shook my head.

That had an effect I didn't expect. Suddenly she was complaining in English as if I could understand her. She caught herself and stopped. She grabbed a pile of materials and placed it in front of me. In my language, she simply said "follow instructions. Make it happen."

I looked down at the pile. She slid blueprints just like the ones I used to help my friend down in front of me.

Once I looked up at her, she started to turn to leave. She stopped and looked back at me. In a surprisingly fluent way, she stated in my language: "You can call me anything. Maybe Xia?"

I nodded. She even said the 'X' correctly for my language. With that, she left me to attend to the pile of wood and tools that she had placed before me.

How Is Illya Rikiya's bank?

There was a mention of an act 3 bank, but I only saw a link for the act 1. The aliases are corrupted. The voice is a little robotic, but it is still very handsome and calm.

Where Can I download Rikiya Illya?

The link to his act 1 bank is on his wiki page. 

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