Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, August 2, 2024

Forgotten Friday #293 - Yua Raiden / 雷電結愛

 this utau was made by TheDrunkRecruit.

Forgotten Friday #293 - Yua Raiden / 雷電結愛

Man, this utau is a trip. I get annoyed by the yandere trope, but seeing it written out without calling the yandere trope by name makes me think "this would make for a good horror story."

Yua is a shy ten year old girl who loves her brother. Her voice provider is the younger sister of the manager of this utau.

Who Is Raiden Yua?

Art from bank

She slept through the taxi ride. She was just tired and broken. But something about being so close to her old home jolted her awake.

The taxi driver only grunted at her when they arrived at her parents' house. She grabbed her box and forced herself out of the car.

The taxi rolled away as she stared up at the house. Usually, things from your childhood memories seem larger than they actually were. But after years of being stuffed into high density buildings, the house felt like it was going to swallow her alive.

She was rooted to the ground, but she told herself that she could run. She didn't know where she could run to... Just that if she left before anyone saw her...

"Are..." The voice was faint, but then she heard the slapping footsteps on the freshly cut grass lawn. "Martha?!"

Martha couldn't react in time. Standing in front of her was her sister. Martha couldn't just run away now that someone knew she had been here.

"It's... Been years!" Lucy covered her own mouth with her hands. "I never thought I'd see you again!"

"Would you believe me if I said that I wasn't here?" Martha tried to diffuse the situation, but instead Lucy was grabbing her arm and dragging her into the house.

"Mom! Dad!" Lucy shouted out. "It's Martha!"

Martha shrank back. Lucy was her older sister, but it felt wrong to remember that. Martha had lived life as an adult, but Lucy seemed so childlike and... carefree.

"We know, Lucy." Her father's voice boomed through the foyer even though he was speaking calmly. "She thought she was going to surprise us, but we got a call."

"Well why didn't you tell me?!" Lucy pouted as she dragged Martha into the kitchen.

Martha felt like she was going to die. All of her c childhood anxieties were hitting her at once. She had been in a different world. A cold world without luxuries like full kitchens. Her parents were larger than she remembered, but they looked so young.

"You..." Her mother tried to carefully pick her words. She couldn't. She couldn't think of a single nice thing to say about Martha.

"Well, daughter." Her father cleared his throat. "I will do everything I can to make this transition as seamless as possible for you. Your room is just like you left it. We've had the housekeeper keep it nice and clean for you and we regularly flushed your toilet to ensure there would be no issues due to not being used."

"Thanks...?" Martha stared at her father in confusion.

"And I have spoken with our family doctor. He will call his psychiatric colleagues so that you can continue your antidepressants without issue." He looked away from her. "I'm sorry we never... Thought to put you on medication."

"I... Really appreciate that." Martha sighed. "So... I guess..."

"You're our child." Martha's mother smiled. "We're happy you're here."

How Is Yua Raiden's bank?

Yua has a one pitch romaji encoded CV bank. She has a lovely and calm voice that is more mature than I would have expected.

Where can I download Raiden Yua?

You can find her on her Fandom page. She is a nice utau!

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