Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, August 9, 2024

Forgotten Friday #294 - Kira Tsubasane / 翼音キラ

 it feels good to be productive!

Forgotten Friday #294 - Kira Tsubasane / 翼音キラ

Kira is a 16 year old tomboy. She likes to talk a lot.

Who is Tsubasane Kira?

Art from wiki

Lucy went off to do whatever it was she did during the day and left Martha standing in the doorway to her childhood bedroom.

She was boring as a child. Instead of posters and artwork, there were empty walls. She placed her box down and sat on her bed. She almost panicked when she started to sink, but then she remembered that people in the suburbs had actual mattresses and not blocks of cheap foam. She looked around the room. She didn't have trinkets and mementoes lying about. It was just as impersonal as her old apartment... Just... Nicer.

She flopped back onto her bed. She remembered reading about people from hundreds of years ago sleeping on the floor after being let out of prison. The floor felt more like home than an actual mattress.

She pulled her phone out of her pocket. She opened her contacts to see if there was anyone she could reach out to for any kind of support. Almost every single entry had been wiped. She opened her texting app. It was all wiped clean.

Her heart skipped a beat. She wasn't overtly sentimental. She didn't go back and lovingly read old conversations. But the fact that every relationship in her adult life had just been deleted without her consent... Stung.


Martha sat up and looked at the doorway. Maya looked nervous. Maya had always been awkward around Martha. Maya had spent her childhood resenting the fact that Martha was born. It took attention away from Maya.

"You're here?" Martha slowly stood up. "I thought you and..."

Maya shook her head. "Look, I was a dumb kid, okay? I talk about it in therapy at least like once a month." Maya sighed. "How close we are is up to you, okay? I want to make up and be best friends, but you're probably not there yet."

Martha took that moment to really take in what people in the suburbs looked like through the lens of someone from the city. Maya had always worked hard to keep her figure, but she looked so much thicker than the people in the city. Maybe antidepressants weren't the only drug in the water...

Maya had good posture and her height was boosted by shoes that were probably more expensive than Martha's phone. Her skin seemed perfect and her clothes just looked impractical. Beautiful and flattering, but impractical.

"You've lost so much weight." Maya couldn't help herself. She didn't even realize how offensive that was given why Martha had lost the weight. Maya thought it was a compliment.

"Yeah." Martha sat back down on her bed. "I'm grateful that you want to be my sister, so like." Martha shrugged. "I'll see you around... I guess?"

"Yeah." Maya let out an awkward laugh. "I live in Grandma's old house since the divorce."

"What?!" Martha's jaw dropped.

"Yeah," Maya groaned. "I didn't want kids, he did. You would have known if you had nieces and nephews. I would have found a way to tell you."

How is Tsubasane Kira's bank?

Kira has a one pitch romaji encoded cv bank. There is no oto file. Thankfully, I am using my drawing tablet! She has a very sweet and muffled voice.

Where Can I download Tsubasane Kira?

You can find her on her Fandom page. She is nice!

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