Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wiki Wednesday #286 - Kanon Sakurai / 櫻井カノン


Wiki Wednesday #286 - Kanon Sakurai / 櫻井カノン

Kanon is a happy teenage girl who looks up to Camila Melodia. She dislikes the name Kanon and asks her friends to call her Sae.

Who is Sakurai Kanon?

Art from YouTube video

Xia had bothered me a few times to eat and sleep. She had tried to pry me out of the room with all of my tools and materials, but I refused unless it was to use the bathroom connected to the room. She brought me food and a cot to sleep on.

It felt so strange to see how the hallways dimmed on a 'Sol' schedule. I was glad I wasn't too sensitive to light while sleeping, because it did not sync up to my body's rhythm.

And then, it was over.

"Good job, Mkret."

I turned around in shock. A computerized version of my friend's voice was congratulating me.

Xia gave an awkward wave. She pressed a button and the box in her hand spoke in my language. "The translator has been finished. You've proved you're unwilling to work with the Union, but your skills in building musical instruments has gotten you a cultural residency on Mother Moon."

"I have to leave?" I looked devastated because I was. I had just fallen into the pattern I had fallen into at the manufacturing plant... And now I had to leave it behind?

The box repeated what I said in English. I really, really did not like the sound of English.

"That's how it works." Xia sighed. She waited until the box translated what she said before continuing. "If you refuse to follow rules, you can't stay on a Union ship. Learning English is basically the most important rule." She looked over at my pile of finished instruments. "But don't worry. You're going to pay your rent on Mother Moon by doing the same exact thing, over and over. Just making instruments."

"Rent?" The word had the strange 'err' sound that creeped me out that people kept saying when they butchered my name.

"Right!" Xia laughed. "There's no word for that in your language. There isn't in my mother tongue either. You don't need to pay money to stay with my mother."

"You have Mothers also?" I perked up.

"Yeah..." Xia looked confused for a moment before seemingly realizing something. She awkwardly nodded. "Yeah."

It took her a moment to recover, but she continued on. "I will take you to my home planet. I have spoken with my mother and she has prepared you a workshop that is almost as nice as this one. Your instruments will be used by performers and sold to help fund the tourism industry."

"Why?" I lowered my chin.

"No one needs a hand built violin, but they want it." She shrugged. "No one wants hand built electronics - unless it's also an instrument or something else that personal."

"Okay, I get it." I nodded. "That's my new life now?"

"You've been living your new life, Mkret. It's just going to be in a different location now."

I froze. In that moment, it finally sunk in. I was going to live the dream I never thought to dream. I was going to be happy.

How Is Kanon Sakurai's bank?

I could only find her Act 1 CV bank. Her voice is calm, soft, and lovely!

Where Can I download Sakurai Kanon?

You can find her on her wiki page. She is nice!


  1. Hi, I've been blogging for a while, but I need to ask, where do these stories under the image of the utaus come from?

    1. Originally, I did write actual descriptions of the UTAUs in that section. However, I eventually realized that the majority of UTAUs don't have enough information to be extrapolated into 500 words. So I started just writing random stuff there because I wanted to be able to monetize this blog and that required the majority of articles to be around 600 words. I've always dreamed of being a writer, so I decided... Why not just put my fictional stories here?

      I never changed the format because I liked the structure. Besides... I do include a picture under the heading 😉

      So the stories come from nowhere really. They're just random stuff I wrote. I no longer care about monetization and I've turned it off, but I want people to have to opportunity to read my fictional stories still :)
