Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, August 23, 2024

Forgotten Friday #296 - Lilrow / リルロー

 I like seeing veganism being mentioned. 

Forgotten Friday #296 - Lilrow / リルロー

Lilrow is a 21 year-old man who is an anthropomorphic lion. He's also vegan!

Who is Lilrow?

Art from vcv release video
Maybe Martha didn't need her friends. Maybe she didn't need independence! She was sitting on the couch in the living room reading about certifications on her phone when her mother entered the room.

Martha felt cold the moment she realized how upset her mother looked. Her mother was extremely proper and hid her emotions, so the very muted grimace felt like any other person either screaming or crying.

"Martha." Her mother cleared her throat. "I don't want to to have a job."

Martha took a deep breath and sat down her phone. "Why?"

"What good comes of you having a job?" Her mother shook her head. "What would you be able to get that we can't already give you?" She rolled her eyes. "it's not like you can become a doctor or a lawyer."

"Yeah, I can't." Martha picked up her phone and waved it around. "But I could become a nurse or a paralegal."

"But that's not an impressive title, is it?" Her mother shook her head. "Why would I want people to think my family needs to beg for table scraps?"

Martha stood up. Then she sat back down and stared straight forward. For one moment, she was an adult who was realy to confront her mother. But then she felt that childhood fear and she couldn't do it. This was her mother's house - not hers.

"You'd be insane to think that your father wanted it either." Her mother saw she was winning and let out a soft and pointed laugh.

Once Martha felt the tears rolling down her face, she threw herself up from the couch and ran to her room. Just like when she was a child. When she was a teenager, she started to talk back. But when she was a teenager, she knew that she could leave. The city would never let her back in now, so where could she go?

The ideas were sloshing around in her head as she collapsed onto her bed. Maybe a commune. But they wouldn't have medicine, would they? Maybe a different city? Maybe other cities wouldn't be so creepy and she could get away with not being happy all the time.

But something was standing in the way of all of that. Maybe many multiple somethings. The most obvious was that she had no logical way to leave the suburbs.

She was stuck. Maybe she wouldn't even be able to find a way to get certifications here. All of the happiness was crashing down around her.

She took a deep breath and picked up her phone. She had memorized everyone's number and didn't think anyone would have changed theirs. She dialed Maya.

"Hey, I don't recognize this number... Is it you, Martha?" Maya's voice sounded somewhat hopeful.

"Yeah, Maya, please, can you come pick me up?" Martha was trying to hide the fact that she was crying. But she was a horrible actress.

"Yeah, yeah, of course Martha! I'll be right there!"

How Are Lilrow's banks?

The readme of the cv bank says that it was recorded as cvvc but only functions as cv. That is technically not fully correct. It looks like the samples would function as cvvc, the oto just doesn't have the vc. I'm not crazy enough to go adding vc. His voice is very nice and nostalgic.

His vcv is one pitch and romaji encoded. This bank is much higher quality and has a very nice and gentle tone.

Where Can I download Lilrow?

The links to download Lilrow are on his voice provider's YouTube channel. This is a nice utau!

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