Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Wiki Wednesday #285 - KenTacoHut's KARASU

 back to Work!

Wiki Wednesday #285 - KenTacoHut's KARASU

Karasu is a fifteen year old fox who has mechanical implants that affect his emotions.

Art from wiki

I wasn't trained as an electrical engineer, but that was my hobby. There was no electricity in this project. It was woodworking. Precision woodworking with tools that looked primitive even to me.

Xia included a reproduction of the notebook of conversions that my friend had made for me. I stood up so that I could get a better view of the blue paper.

It looked simple enough, but I didn't understand what it was meant to be. There was English writing that surely explained what it was meant to be, but I wasn't going to understand that. Using the tools, I set to work.

Something about my work was that I almost blacked out every time I did it. I got so absorbed that all of my thoughts were fully dedicated to the project. I couldn't remember after the fact what I did or even what order I did the steps in.

I was just coming out of that wonderful fugue when Xia walked back in. She was holding a small block. She picked up the object and put it up to her mouth. She started making... Noise? The noises changed as she moved her fingers. The little box had a screen that was glowing green.

She pulled the object from her face and looked to me. "Wow! Great! Happy!"

I just stared at her.

She put it back up to her mouth and started playing again. And then it hit me. She was making... Music. Right in front of me was someone doing something that I had only seen done in videos shown to me by my friend. (Our music was confined to chants and drums - nothing like what she was doing.)

"Want make more?" She tapped a button on the table in front of me. Videos started to appear of people playing music. She swiped the focus to a video and sound would play. Then she'd swipe to another and a different sound would play. She let me take over swiping through the videos.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. So many beautiful and intricate machines making noises that felt too perfect. I couldn't even decide which was my favorite.

I didn't know how much time had passed, but Xia came back. She motioned for me to get up and follow her, so I did.

She pulled me into a dimly lit room that reminded me so much of my old manufacturing lab. She gestured around and said "supplies!"

I couldn't help but stare. It wasn't exactly like my old lab, but it looked so similar. She tapped on a table with a screen on it. "Follow instructions. Make it happen."

I nodded and nearly sprinted to the table. I started swiping through videos, trying to pick which one I loved the most.

I heard soft laughter as she turned away and left. For the first time, I was actually truly happy to be off of my old home world. I was going to make something beautiful that could make something even more beautiful.

How Is Karasu's bank?

I could only find one bank for Karasu: The V2 CV. The voice sounds like a cyborg! The consonants were clipped short, but the choppy quality gives the aura of being a robot for a very nice effect.

Where can I download Karasu?

His download link is on his wiki page. He is cool!

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