Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Wiki Wednesday #283 - Ikuyo Yasujiro / 野洲白いくよ

 not feeling that great, but I want to alleviate anxiety by working on this blog.

Wiki Wednesday #283 - Ikuyo Yasujiro / 野洲白いくよ

Ikuyo is a teen girl who loves rabbits.

Who is Yasujiro Ikuyo?

Art from wiki
It was nothing but poking and prodding. They tried to sit me in front of terminals to learn English, but I refused.

Every day was more shots and pills and diagnostics until one day, they stopped. They never explained anything, because they couldn't. On that day, they simply led me to a mirror.

Part of me wanted to punch the mirror. It spanned from the floor to the ceiling. I could see everything. I felt anger.

I had a sense of self before. I knew who I was. I had lost my ability to communicate, but now I had lost... Me.

My sickly, yellowed grey skin was now peachy. My angular bones that looked like they'd pop out of my skin were now covered in a healthy layer of fat. I didn't even realize until that moment that my hunched posture had been fixed. I was standing tall... And I hated that the person in the mirror wasn't me.

They could tell I was angry. They saw me balling up my fist. So they murmured what had to be some kind of apology as they ushered me away.

Once I was back in my hospital room, they gave me a new set of clothes to replace my hospital gown. One of them motioned putting on the clothes... And then they left.

I changed my clothes. Maybe if they had waited until I was dressed in nice clothes, I wouldn't have felt so angry.

As soon as I had finished changing, there was a noise I didn't recognize... And then I heard her voice.

"Mkret. Our parting was disingenuous, it appears."

I spun around to face the screen. It was her! My only friend!

"Oh." She couldn't hide her shock. "You... Look amazing."

"Sure." I was sarcastic.

"I read over what they did." She shook her head. "It was so simple. Just feed you the right foods, then give you some extra supplements. It wasn't any kind of horrible, incurable deathly illness in the way we thought it was - just insufficient resources within your body."

"Really?" I rolled my eyes. "You called me for the sole purpose of complimenting these people?"

She rolled her eyes in return. "Right." She broke a bit and giggled. "I'm turning into one of them, huh?" She shook her head. "Look, my liaison is sending out drones to capture audio of our people talking. I will need to transcribe it and translate it for an AI to put together a translator... Unless..."

"No." I crossed my arms. "I won't learn their language."

She groaned. "Now you have a Warrior mentality! I was friends with you because we were useless together! Now you're-" She said some English words I didn't understand. She shook her head again. "Fine. Be like that, Mkret. I'll need to do it eventually regardless of how you cooperate."

She had that look of disdain that she had always had before. I was the soft one who let others speak over me... And now she was?

How Is Yasujiro Ikuyo's bank?

Only her act 4 is listed on the wiki. Her voice is very nice and clear with a feminine tone that feels a bit more mature than the given character information, though still youthful.

Where Can I download Yasujiro Ikuyo?

You can download her from her wiki page her wiki page. She is nice!

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