Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Wiki Wednesday #282 - mikayuuchann's Seiko

 this is the last first person story I have ready, so this is the last article I can do for now! Yay!

Wiki Wednesday #282 - mikayuuchann's Seiko

Seiko is a sixteen year old nonbinary introvert. They like skirts and dresses.

Who is Seiko?

Art from site

alien terminal 12

"Well." I was so excited. I was buzzing. The Union had planned it all out.

Mkret wasn't at excited as he set his bags down. We had told a few people we were going out camping by the beach on the lake. If they asked why, it was because I was thinking of applying for the military to be a Warrior... As I had wanted to be all along.

There was a strange change in air pressure... And then there she was. The woman from the other side of the screen.

"We need to be quick." She started grabbing his bags. "Say your romantic goodbyes!"

I laughed. I held out my hand. "This is the last time I'll see you."

He took my hand and stared into my eyes. He pulled his hands away. "We're fundamentally broken by their standards, huh?"

"Yeah." I rolled my eyes. "But come on - they're doing a nice thing for us."

I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug, just like in the shows and movies. And it was extremely uncomfortable and I could tell that both of us hated every second of it.

I pulled away. "Goodbye."

"I'm sure we'll be reunited." He gave a quick nod. "But I won't be heartbroken if we aren't."

He disappeared along with the woman. I started to turn to leave when I heard a voice that almost felt familiar call out "wait a second!"

I turned and... There he was? There Mkret was speaking English?

"Oh," he smirked. "That's really how well it works!" He held out his hand. "Call me Ishmael."

"Oh!" I laughed before winking. "Mkret. I'm so glad that you're doing..." I realized that there was something extremely wrong with the side of his head.

"Yeah, it's all smoke and mirrors, transformation technology. We got into an accident and now I'm deaf and even more disabled." He shrugged. "I'm your Union liaison, and I'll be here to make sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible."

"Great." I nodded. The pressure in the air changed again. "So, they're gone?"

"Just you and me..." He stopped. "What is your name, anyway?"

"I lost my name when I became a Rough. You lost your name when you became a Fragile." I explained. "If you used his name, or you used my name, you would be in trouble because that's how rules work."

"Oh." He looked stunned.

I laughed. "Did you think this was going to be fun? You're walking into a nightmare. I'm sure it's not too late to bail out."

He shook his head. "This isn't my first time doing this. I'm sure I've survived worse."

"Yeah." I shook my head. "Let's just hope that if you do break the rules, they really believe that it was because of this new injury." I paused. "How bad does it have to get before the Union pulls the plug and extracts you?"

He looked scared. I patted him on the shoulder. "That's okay. We'll figure this out."

the end?

How Are Seiko's banks?

Seiko has a normal one pitch cv and an append one pitch cv called piano.

The normal CV has a very soft and sweet voice. 

The piano CV has better pronunciation as consonants are not cut out. The voice is very cute and sweet!

Where can I download Seiko?

Their links are on their official page. They are nice!

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