Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Wiki Wednesday #281 - Nya Scarlet / ナイヤスカレット

 her Canon real name is Nyla Lee.

Wiki Wednesday #281 - Nya Scarlet / ナイヤスカレット

Because of her hard life, Nya has become strong and loving. She is a nineteen year old woman who is always looking towards the future.

Who is Scarlet Nya?

Art from wiki


alien terminal 11

"Well." The woman on my screen looked genuinely sad. "Is it normal for people to have his skin color and be so... Thin?"

I shook my head. "He's sick. I look normal."

"So..." She took a deep breath. "We can justify taking him as a refugee. But on one condition, and this is a very huge condition..."

"Yeah." I nodded.

"So, you need to try... Really hard... To have your planet ask for help from The Union."

"They will tilt at windmills." I leaned back.

She nodded. "Well, that's the thing. Once I have proof that you're going to do it, I can set up the extraction." She took a deep breath. "If you fail, I won't send him back. If that's really all you care about..."

I switched to my language. "Mkret, how badly do you want to take medicine to be happy?"

He furrowed his brow. "What do you mean?"

"Would you be okay leaving me behind?"

There was an awkward silence.

He used my name. "I am fragile. I am soft. But what kind of question is that? Yes."

I laughed. "Yeah, you know, I'm grateful and all of that stuff, but I'd sacrifice you to keep the terminal."

I switched back to English. "Yeah. It will be difficult, but we can be parted."

"It's not just you staying." The woman sighed. "You need to put actual, tangible work into this. You'll need to the follow orders that the Union comes up with."

"But if I succeed, I get to leave here?" I leaned forward.

"Yeah..." She was confused. "You're taking this really well."

"We were both raised to be warriors." I shrugged. "I got messed up when he got sick, so I was kind of upset that I got kicked out of the program. Getting to go out and fight sounds good."

"I will talk to my supervisors." She shook her head. "I... Please tell him to gather all of this things that he wants to bring with him. If you fail, he will never see your world ever again. And... No one can know. If anyone finds out, we might pull the plug. Then no one will ever leave."

I turned to him. I watched his face as I translated for him. He looked worried... But then he looked so happy.

"We kept this a secret, and now, because of that, I can leave." His smile was so warm and reassuring. "No one will know why I'm packing up my life. If anyone asks? It's because I'm moving in with you."

I laughed. "Yeah, that's the plan. You're going to be a Mother to the many children we'll make."

We couldn't make children even if we wanted to thanks to his sickness. That just made it funnier.

I looked back at the screen. "Yeah. We're good."

How Is Nya Scarlet's bank?

Scarlet has a single one pitch vcv bank. However, there is a CVVC bank packaged with it. The CVVC otos feel a bit strange, with the overlap in the CV samples being in random places. Aside from that, the packaged cvvc bank is a very good CVVC bank.

Her VCV also sounds very nice.

Where Can I download Scarlet Nya?

You can find her on her Wiki page. She's awesome!

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