Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, July 12, 2024

Forgotten Friday #290 - Tamashi Saito / 魂斎藤

 Random silly thing. I'm using a drawing tablet right now.

Forgotten Friday #290 - Tamashi Saito / 魂斎藤

Saito is an ancient spirit that identifies as male.

Who is Saito Tamashi?

Art from bank


And now for a brief intermission.

Martha had been trying to force herself to sleep when she saw the painting start to move. The painting she swore she heard noises coming from.

She sat up when the painting moved away from its spot, which was far too close to the floor. She froze as she saw the bodies come out.

They were tall and covered in black armor that shined in the pale moonlight filtering through her window.

They lurched towards her and grabbed her arms to pull her out of the bed. She went limp as she stared up at the masks.

She wasn't terrified. She wasn't even afraid. She was just confused. She gathered herself enough to plant her feet on the floor and mutter "I can walk."

There was a pause. She knew there would be a pause. Sometimes the men slipped and responded. But these men didn't. They simply loosened their grips and ducked her down so that she could go through the hole that had been hidden by the painting. Once she was through, she could stand.

That was where the noise was coming from. She had heard rumors of the tunnels. She grew up in a house - not subsidized housing. She grew up going to the private school where no one had ever seen subsidized housing. But here they were.

The walls and floor were the same grey. The ceiling was dark with antiquated lights strung together with black wire. They didn't give enough light. The light was too cool and made everything hard to make out. The floor either felt damp or cold, but she couldn't decide.

The men weren't rough until she was standing at a door. Their grips tightened as the door opened. It was out of place. It was warm and wooden... Obviously wooden with actual wood grain visible. The men shoved her into the room and gestured at the chair. She had no option but to sit down.

She looked around and was confused. Subsidized housing was cool and impersonal. This room was warm with light yellow walls and orange wood trims on everything. The cushion on her chair was red.

And then she smelled it. She couldn't place it. But she knew it. It was like books and candles. She remembered being at home. She remembered being at school.

But something felt off. The things on the shelves looked too... Too standardized. Like she had seen the same sets on shelves in other places. At least it was warm and the floor was carpeted.

She finally looked in front of her and realized that there was a woman behind the desk. She looked so... Peachy. Happy and well fed.

Martha leaned back in her chair. She didn't want to be the one to say the first word. She knew what was happening, but maybe she could be wrong. She lowered her head just slightly and feigned a look of absolute confusion. Maybe it would work.

How Is Tamashi Saito's bank?

The bank is a one pitch cv bank in romaji. He has a lovely and gentle voice.

Where Can I download Saito Tamashi?

You can find him on his Fandom page. He is cool!

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