Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, July 26, 2024

Forgotten Friday #292 - Kyoranne Lupus / 狂乱音ループス

 I'm actually using the Ruto matome once again!

Forgotten Friday #292 - Kyoranne Lupus / 狂乱音ループス

Crazy sound Lupus is a twenty-one year old man who is very sweet and kind. He loves to dance with a wolf at night.

Who is Lupus Kyoranne?

Art from wiki


The thing that hurt Martha the most was the fact that she had never been happier. Maybe the water didn't do everything, but it still made her feel better. She had a job. She had friends. She felt genuinely happy in a way that she never had before... And now it was gone.

The men took her back to her room to pick up the box that they had packed for her. Her entire adult life fit into a single box.

"Since you're going easy, we don't want to scare anyone." Martha stared as one of the men pulled off his helmet.

"Greg?!" Martha covered her mouth as she gasped.

Martha had been coworkers with Greg for so long. She only saw him at work, but she still felt like there was some human connection. She was worried when he left and never came back one day... But here he was.

Greg let out a defeated chuckle as his armor opened up so that he could step out of it. "What can I say? I'm a night owl." He shook his head. "We can't tell people that this job even exists. So instead of lying, I just use my free time to play video games."

"So... That's what happens here." Martha looked away. She heard her phone chime. She knew it was hers because she was the only person she knew in subsidized housing who was gauche enough to personalize her phone. Greg pulled her phone out and handed it to her.

It chimed again and again. She opened the first message and felt like crying. She looked up at Greg. "They... I'm losing my job? They're saying how much they'll miss me... But..."

"Martha, you can't commute from the suburbs to work at a coffee shop." He sighed. "Besides, isn't being sad contagious?"

She wanted to cry, but she shoved her phone into her pocket. She stepped into her shoes and picked up the box. "Yeah. Yeah. The sads are contagious and I just need to get out of here."

"Hey," Greg placed his hand on her shoulder. "You're going to a better place, yeah? You know what most of us would do to even visit the suburbs?"

"Yeah, I'm the luckiest girl in the world." Martha tried to not sound sarcastic.

"Oh!" Greg softly laughed. He pulled a pill bottle from his pocket. "The water, it's dangerous to just stop it suddenly." He handed her the bottle. "It'll be up to your doctor whether you need it or not." Greg looked over at the other man who was still standing tall in his armor. "Imagine that, huh? A real life human doctor that you can just go and see." He got no response.

"So, if the water helps, I still get to take it?" Martha felt a bit of hope as she looked Greg in the eyes.

"Should be. You're an adult now. No one can stop you from taking medicine from your doctor."

"That's... That's good." She weakly smiled.

How is Kyoranne Lupus's bank?

Lupus has a one pitch romaji encoded bank. It is meant to be used below C3. He has a very nice, deep voice.

Where Can I download Lupus Kyoranne?

You can find him on his Fandom page. He is nice!

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