Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, July 19, 2024

Forgotten Friday #291 - 市音アイ / Shine Ai

 I want to say a huge thank you to The Normie Weeb. They were the one who brought to my attention that the Visual Archive is broken. I cannot figure out how to use a Japanese VPN, but the fact that the error message upon attempting to access it that says Abroad, I believe that a VPN could give you access. Thankfully, the way back machine seems to have everything backed up without any VPN stuff!

Forgotten Friday #291 - 市音アイ / Shine Ai

I really don't know what's going on here. This utau doesn't seem to have much information on him. There's apparently only one bank. The release video is very Japanese, but the bank is in romaji and the only Japanese text is corrupted. 

Who is Ai Shine?

Art from Bank
The woman was still thin. Being well fed rarely led to people being overweight outside of the suburbs.

Martha tried to judge who the woman was based off of her appearance. But she couldn't. Not given the fact that the woman looked like a school teacher but was awake in the middle of the night.

"So, Martha, is it?" The woman had a vacant smile.

"Yeah." Martha cleared her throat and rubbed her face with her sleeve. "I was in bed. Now I'm here. Why?"

"You committed a thought crime."

Martha's jaw dropped. She took a moment to stop herself from expressing any anger. "I've done everything right." She crossed her arms over her chest. "I've followed every rule."

"But Martha..." The woman leaned in with a saccharine look of fake concern, "you are sad."

Martha laughed. She couldn't help but laugh. "Sad? Me, sad?"

"Let's cut this act." Any kindness was sapped from the woman's face as she leaned back. She crossed her legs and rested one elbow on her knee. "You're in subsidized housing. We watch every second. And you're not happy here."

"What psycho would be?" Martha rolled her eyes.

"What kind of horrible tragedy led to a suburbs kid living here?" The woman shook her head. "You've got freedoms out there. Freedom to be as sad as you want. But you're here."

"None." Martha was indignant. "I wanted to be my own person. I wanted to make something of myself."

"Tell the truth." The woman's voice was almost sinister as she smirked.

"Fine." Martha rolled her eyes. "My parents liked my siblings more, fine? They were good little babies and I was me." She shook her head. "So what? You're going to reprogram me or something?"

"That's the thing, Martha." The woman sighed and placed a hand on the desk as she looked away from Martha. "We've been trying to this entire time. The vitamins and minerals we add to the water are drugs to make everyone happy. We thought that you just weren't drinking the water. Maybe you weren't bathing." She looked back at Martha. "But we watch. And you're just as exposed to it as everyone else. So why, Martha?" She laughed. "You don't have to answer. You have nonstandard brain chemistry. Our reprogramming doesn't work on people like you."

"So what?" Martha leaned forward. "You're going to tie me down and cut up my brain?"

"No." The woman gestured at a phone on her desk. "I know you have the number memorized."

"It's the dead of night!" Martha groaned. "You want me to call them, wake them up, and then ask a favor?!"

"So you do know who your out is." The woman tented her fingers as she gave a cruel laugh. "Yes, Martha. You need to wake up and tell your parents that you can't stay here. They're not poor, right? They could afford a hotel, right?"

Martha shook her head. "No. Look... Can you just arrange a taxi? It's easier."

How is Shine Ai's voicebank?

Ai seems to only have one bank - a romaji cv bank with one pitch. The voice provider is only credited as Aito. The voice sounds great, but the mispronounced palatal consonants means that the voice provider isn't a native speaker of Japanese. There is nothing wrong with that - overseas banks are great! I just am confused about how this bank came to exist.

Where Can I download Ai Shine?

You can find his release video on his visual archive page, which can be accessed outside of Japan via the Wayback Machine. This is a nice utau that is mysterious.

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