Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Wiki Wednesday #279 - Kanade Fujisawa / フジサワ奏

 daily exhaustion is back noooo

Wiki Wednesday #279 - Kanade Fujisawa / フジサワ奏

Kanade is a teenage girl who likes the sky and dislikes bugs.

Who is Fujisawa Kanade?

Art from bank

alien terminal 9

I felt more comfortable hiding food in my room than I felt hiding it in the lab. So I took as much as I could every time I left my room. If it weren't for food, it was to bring schematics to Mkret. I was getting good at copying them down.

I would explain what I wanted, and he would make it happen. He would come to my room to drop things off. We didn't have phones or messaging and I would always forget to go collect my things.

"You... Smell bad."

I looked up at Mkret from the terminal. "Oh." I apologized in English.

He sighed. "I took some of your clothes last time. I washed them for you."

"Oh." I responded in English by saying 'cool'.

"What's wrong with you?" He was direct in a way he wasn't before. "And please speak our language."

"Yeah!" I nodded. "It's just so different. The upgrades you've done have kind of... Opened doors." I gestured at the digital camera he built. "I was just..." I was cut off by a beep. A window popped up on the screen. I spun in my chair to see what it was.

"Hi?? Do you speak English??" was written in large letters.

I blinked. No one had ever directly contacted me before. I typed out 'uh... yeah lmao why?'. I paused and replaced lmao with 'lulz' and pressed enter.

A warning message popped up under my message saying that message travel time was a minimum of fifteen minutes. I turned towards Mkret. "I think I just made contact."

"What?" He stared at me.

"Well, I used a search engine to ask how to make videos." I shrugged. "And I guess that triggered something or another, and now I just got a message asking if I speak English."

He was dumbfounded as he sat down on my bed. "I thought this was all just some kind of... Joke. You're really... Going to talk to someone?"

"Yeah!" I nodded. "Hey, let's make a video while we wait."

I set up the camera on my desk and motioned for him to sit next to me.

I cleared my throat. Once he was next to me, I began speaking in English.

He just stared at me as I explained who we were and what we were like in broken English. I glanced back at him. "Would you like to say a few words? I can try to translate."

He nodded and looked at the camera. "Our society exists to feed wars. Everything we do is simply to make more wars. People who cannot fight are not treated like the people who can. We do not have your music and we do not have your beautiful colors. I want more than anything to leave this nightmare and see your beautiful world in person."

It was difficult with my limited vocabulary, but I got through it. The file was on my desktop... So I dragged it into the chat window, hoping whoever was on the other side would get it.

How Are Kanade Fujisawa's banks?

Kanade has two one pitch cv banks. 

Act 1 has a very cute voice, but you may find the bank difficult to use.

Act 2 has been deleted sadly.

Where Can I download Fujisawa Kanade?

You can find her on her wiki page

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