Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, July 5, 2024

Forgotten Friday #289 - Edel Wing / エデル・ウィンググ

 Well, I'll be honest. My anxiety has been pretty bad about this blog. The Funny thing is, though, I'm writing this in April and, as you can see, this goes live in July.

Forgotten Friday #289 - Edel Wing

Edel seems to be a sweet and kind young woman who has decorative Wings on her Wrists that she sometimes tries to use to fly. 

Who is Edel Wing?

Art from bank


So, I have been having anxiety over this blog lately. Because of the memory loss, it feels like I haven't worked on it since January of 2023!

The posts have been scheduled out already so that I'm good for a few more months, but I still have anxiety. Part of it is that I have run out of stories I had written for the third-person Forgotten Friday segment.

For this segment, I have had more or less four stories I could choose from.

There's the DND story that was going to turn into an homage to LOST and Lost in Blue. This ended up being too mature, so I scrapped it after writing a few parts. I wish I could flesh out that story further, but this isn't the place for that.

There is a story that is somewhat based on Pokemon. I have written quite a bit of it... But I wrote it out of order. My memory loss means that I have no idea what's going on and I don't feel comfortable picking it back up at this moment. When I'm the personality that initially wrote those parts, I'm excited to continue working on it. At least I hope I will be. I have no idea "who" did that because of the memory loss.

The next is a continuation of the magical school story. I have no idea what the ending would be. The story that I was set on has an ending just like Breaking Dawn (from the Twilight saga). All this build up for the climax to be... paperwork. It would tie up all loose ends, but be annoying for most readers. But to keep it light, family friendly, and ultimately happy, things being quickly solved using the legal system is the only thing I can see working. This isn't good. If I can come up with something good, I'm excited to play around with McKenzie, Aliyah, and Stellaris again.

Finally, there's the story I'm working on at this moment. I'm using an app called Story Plotter to make sure that there's a beginning, a middle, and an end. This is amazing! The app allows you to "chatplay" (roleplaying where you write things like a script and not as prose) dialogue. I can look at everything, move things around, and make decisions about the beginning based on things in the middle... For someone who has trouble just making plots, that's great to have a roadmap.

But, it is a big project that I do not want to rush because I want it to be good. I have the outline more or less finished, but I have a lot of dialogue that I need to add!

So, here is a quick intermission that I don't have those big expectations for so that I will feel like I've worked on this blog within the past year.

I said that I was going to dedicate April to working on that novel, but instead I chose Diffsinger because why not?

How is Edel Wing's voicebank?

The bank is a one pitch romaji cv bank. She has a lovely voice that is soft and feminine.

Where can I download Edel Wing?

You can find her on her Fandom page. She is a nice utau!

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