Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Wiki Wednesday #300 - 切裂カナデ / Kirisasa Kanade

 still mad.

Wiki Wednesday #300 - 切裂カナデ / Kirisasa Kanade

I don't know Kanade's gender, but they are a 900 year old watchdog that hates exercise I guess?

Who is Kanade Kirisasa?

Art from site


Trina Flashback! This happens while Trina is still living in her old place and taking college courses online at the alien headquarters.

"Barcelona!" I called out in a sing-song voice as I swung into her office. My cheerful expression fell as soon as I saw Barcelona crying behind her desk.

She didn't even look up at me. "You people are evil!" She paused, looked up at me, then put her face into her hands. "Not you, but like... You people."

"Hey, hey..." I sat the overpriced drink I bought for her with her credit card in front of her. "What's wrong?"

She looked up at me as I sat down. Barcelona wasn't the same race as all of the other aliens. Her planet was taken over just like Earth. However, her people were sweet and kind. Their planet was taken over because they didn't have the resources they needed to thrive. Her people were beyond grateful.

"You know, we need to clear this land." She wiped her tears with her sleeve. "We need to restore as much area to wildlife as possible if we want to reach our goals. But no one seems to understand that!"

I nodded. "Bob, right?"

She looked confused.

I sighed. "The trailer park, right? You need to clear out the trailer park?"

"I actually went to visit one lady." Her expression was grave. "It was a nightmare. I thought she would be grateful to hear she would get a beautiful, clean house. No!" Barcelona shook her head in disbelief. "She said I couldn't take her home from her! How could someone be like that!"

I leaned back. "That's just humans. We care about our things. Our things are extensions of us. Why would we let you take part of us?"

She looked even more upset. "If someone told me that they could take part of me and make it better, I would want to make it better."

"Look, how much of a back yard are you planning on giving everyone?" I shrugged. 

"Well... Ideally, we wouldn't want everyone to have a back yard. Ideally, we would want people in apartments."

I shook my head. "Won't work. You're lucky about Mrs. Hobbs. She doesn't want to give up her trailer. Guess what? You can put her trailer in the back yard of her new house and she'll be happy."

"Everyone in that park needs a back yard for their trailer?" She looked uneasy.

"And you need a back yard for everyone who is living in a motel too." I shrugged. "The whole thing is equality, right?"

She groaned. "I thought it would be like home. I thought I would be so happy I came here and watched lives transform for the better! But no! I come here to be screamed at in my fourth language!"

"Yeah." I took a sip of my drink. "You kinda chose wrong."

How Is Kirisasa Kanade's bank?

Kanade has a one pitch vcv bank. The voice is very nice!

Where can I download Kanade Kirisasa?

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