Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, April 30, 2021

Forgotten Friday #123 - v.m.g.のシナ / Shina

 So, I go really, really hard on Canon in this. The context is that Canon openly admitted to having fascist leanings. I posted on Twitter saying, yeah, an East Asian likes fascism. We knew this, especially since she's been openly transphobic this entire dang time. But naw, people be shocked that the transphobic Japanese lady likes fascism. 

Forgotten Friday #123 - v.m.g.のシナ / Shina

I think I've figured out my plan of action! So, priority #1 is to push out Forgotten Friday until August, just like Wiki Wednesday. I think I have enough banks in the current spreadsheet to do that no issue.

Second priority is to process all of the banks in my download folder that are taking up way, way too much space. I do believe I have the articles for most of the problem children written, so that won't be too difficult.

And then, I'll take a slight detour and work on the Wiki itself so that I can write the original batch of Forgotten Friday articles from my phone without flipping between five different tabs. Page doesn't exist? Add it. Page has no information? Add it. 

At that point, you'd think it would be quicker to just, you know, write the articles. But as you may have seen, vamping.

So, all that being said…

Who is Shina?

official art from bank

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #112 - 有響シロ / Shiro Ukyou

This is just something interesting. Even though this UTAU only has one bank, the one bank is over four-hundred megabytes in its archive! I'm freeing up a lot of space by spending a little time! Cool. 

Wiki Wednesday #112 - 有響シロ / Shiro Ukyou

This UTAU is an usa UTAU, but he has his own distribution page! That's pretty cool. I think that means that the collective has faith in his character and recordings.

So, I love just writing articles out of order. On my phone, I just write, write, write and don't worry about figuring out who is 100, who is 101… I'll figure out the ordering later. I'm not having to write about someone I find boring just because it would fit there. Even if I need to use them as a buffer of sorts, I can move that to later on. Having fun and doing the fun stuff and then layering the boring stuff in later… I really love this freedom.

Who is Ukyou Shiro?

Official Art from Bank

Friday, April 23, 2021

Forgotten Friday #122 - 愛琉家の赤穴(れぐぬすだがね) / airuga's Akana

 Alright! So I have 33 articles written and ready to process for Forgotten Friday. That's a lot! The most I had done in one day as far as just processing goes was ten... Do you think I can top that and get all thirty-three done?! After that processing, I have twenty-two ready to write on either my Chromebook or my phone. That's over a year worth of articles.

Forgotten Friday #122 - 愛琉家の赤穴 (れぐぬすだがね)/ airuga's Akana

So, Airuga is like a box of chocolates. 

This UTAU's biography, character art, and the only story about him combined together to make my eye twitch.

Who is Akana?

from official standing picture

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #111 - カミカッチ / Kamikatchi

I have done four articles tonight, regardless of my accidentally doing something I hadn't intended on doing. I thought, it's only 6:30AM... I can do an UTAU with multiple banks. So I pulled up this little treasure, and she only had one bank! Isn't it awesome when stuff works out like that?

Wiki Wednesday #111 - カミカッチ / Kamikatchi

After doing a few usa-utau articles, I was ready to just put away Google docs and get to doing something different. But on a whim, I just clicked a random name on the spreadsheet and up popped Kamikatchi! 

Sometimes I see a design, and I just think, I love this UTAU. I don't care what it sounds like. I love it. I have no idea what she sounds like, but I love her.

Who is Kamikatchi?

Official Art from Bank

Friday, April 16, 2021

Forgotten Friday #121 - 菓音カロン / Kane Karon

 I broke my rules very badly and downloaded a large bank when it wasn't free internet time, despite the fact that I have about thirty Forgotten Fridays written and waiting to be processed. The reason was so that I could show how to download from Axfc. I downloaded one of them, so I did need to download both, even though one was a bit too large.

Forgotten Friday #121 - 菓音カロン / Kane Karon

Thank you to nmasao for making this article possible. The full steps to downloading from Axfc should be on the banner at the top of the page. Because this chiquita was not going to come and live on my computer for a bit without literally finding a workaround to download things... from a site completely dedicated to uploading and downloading files.

I more or less chose this UTAU randomly to download. But like, I'm glad I did because her design makes me unreasonably happy. 

Who is Karon Kane?

Official Art from Site

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #110 - 露巻トム / Tsuyumaki Tom

Gotta go fast! So glad I've written about so many one pitch, one CV bank UTAUs so far.

Wiki Wednesday #110 - 露巻トム / Tsuyumaki Tom

I'm really happy with my progress lately! I think I can do five articles a day on my computer easily. I could do more, but I'm worried about using too much data. Also, I could probably do more if I didn't cover UTAUs with so many banks! 

And also… if I didn't go and fix OTOs. I whipped out setparam last night. I seriously told myself not to waste time fixing OTOs, and I pulled out setparam. I'm a mess, but I was really happy with how the UTAU sounded and hoped it made someone happy.


Who is Tom Tsuyumaki?

Official Art from Bank

Friday, April 9, 2021

Forgotten Friday #120 - 魔法幼女★ぱさぱさでんたん / Pasa Pasa Dentan

I hopefully get my new phone tomorrow! Then I can go back to writing articles on my phone. Isn't that fun?! I actually have like ten things I need to be doing right now, but my brain is too broken to do them as this moment. Oh well! This is easy and nice.

Forgotten Friday #120 - 魔法幼女★ぱさぱさでんたん / Pasa Pasa Dentan

I'm torn here. I have adblock on my computer, so I had no idea there were bad ads on the website for this UTAU.

But I don't use adblock on Chrome on my phone. I do for Firefox, but that's because adding extensions is really easy. 

The ads are the kind that won't traumatize you, but your parents may ground you from the computer if they see the ads. There was also randomly an ad for Zenni eyewear between all of the inappropriate manga art. (I love my glasses I got from them. They're heavy, but I love heavy glasses. Otherwise, my face may float away.)

Who is Magical Young Girl Pasa Pasa Dentan?

Official Art from Bank
They changed the button to add captions.
huh. it was hard to figure out.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #109 - 副音レイタ / Reita Sabune

So, ya know how you can tell a really inappropriate joke, but you can tell it in a way that isn't obviously offensive? Huel makes me really see myself in Terrence and Phillip. 

Wiki Wednesday #109 - 副音レイタ / Reita Sabune

Well ain't you the cutest little thing, Mr Reita! Here's another case of "oh no! We need padding!"

Because there is very little information given about this UTAU, I will need to do padding. Which is cool! I have a lot of things to talk about. And remember, I promise you a picture, a sample, and a link to download the bank. If you don't want to hear me talk about things other than UTAU, then you can just skip to the audio file and the download section.

Who is Sabune Reita?

official art from site

Friday, April 2, 2021

Forgotten Friday #119 - 炉宮シス / Roku Shisu / Loxiloid

 I usually wouldn't just add the filename of the bank to the title, but like, it fits? I think it's supposed to be Loxi? Rokushi is Lock-see. But then there's the "su". Who even knows?

Forgotten Friday #119 - 炉宮シス / Roku Shisu / Loxiloid

I think this is the best example of a bank I should definitely tackle while I'm on my computer. The Visual Archive has five pieces of biographic data. That's... almost nothing. But, typing six hundred words of literally nothing is difficult on my phone. I could do it in my sleep on my computer! I mean, I feel uncomfortable sitting at my desk, and my phone isn't an option at the moments...

Who is Shisu Roku?

official icon