Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #109 - 副音レイタ / Reita Sabune

So, ya know how you can tell a really inappropriate joke, but you can tell it in a way that isn't obviously offensive? Huel makes me really see myself in Terrence and Phillip. 

Wiki Wednesday #109 - 副音レイタ / Reita Sabune

Well ain't you the cutest little thing, Mr Reita! Here's another case of "oh no! We need padding!"

Because there is very little information given about this UTAU, I will need to do padding. Which is cool! I have a lot of things to talk about. And remember, I promise you a picture, a sample, and a link to download the bank. If you don't want to hear me talk about things other than UTAU, then you can just skip to the audio file and the download section.

Who is Sabune Reita?

official art from site
Reita is adorable. He is only thirteen years old, and dresses like an old fashioned English school child. At least, what I imagine them dressing like. The uniforms probably looked cheap and messy compared to this.

He has deep purple hair and red eyes that match the ear cups on his headphones. The yellow star on the headphones matches the yellow accents on his bow tie.

He wears what I assume can be called a sailor suit. It is dark charcoal with matching shoes. He wears a tawny vest and a puffy collared shirt. His socks match his shirt. His pants are capris with red plaid cuffs.

He loves coconut shortbread cookies and is innocent and angelic.

I am so happy that I've figured out that I can write half of the articles on my phone. I've said that five hundred times by now. I don't know how fast the rest of the process is, but I've written enough of these to last nearly half a year! And doing it like this is like popcorn. "Just one more! Then I'll do something else!" But then I don't do something else! My dream of getting through the spreadsheet looks like it may be possible! Including these articles in the count, I am actually nearly halfway there to being able to start over with a new spreadsheet. I got extremely confused and switched from 2018 to 2017, and I'm not sure where the switch happened that got me confused. Once I'm done with this spreadsheet, I can simply search the name on my blog to see if it has been written about.

I am pushing myself, which is awful for my mania, but sitting in bed and swiping on my phone is easy. If it feels difficult, I go outside and swipe on my phone. If I feel sad, I stop. Even if I'm in the middle of a sentence. I just need to switch tabs to get back here. And it's fast! I don't feel pressured to do it all at once.

I mean, small things make me really happy recently. Like just, how happy I am with all of this.

I have a lot of projects I want to do on my computer, and thinking about how I will get them all done does give me some anxiety, which just makes me avoid the computer. I'm not in a safe place mentally, really. But I am still so excited to do all this work to get so much of this all sorted away. And I'm happy I found huel to help me at this time. Just, so much I am happy for!

How are Sabune Reita's banks?

So, he only has one remaining bank. All the links on his website are down except for two, and two of them are the same exact file.

His last remaining bank is a two pitch VCV bank. OTOs need work, and I love this bank... So I want to do the work. But I don't have time for that right now. It's a really nice and sweet voice on a good microphone.

Where can I download Reita Sabune?

Here is his distribution page. He is a really, really good UTAU, but his OTOs need work for him to shine. 

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