Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, July 30, 2021

Forgotten Friday #136 - だすこ*ちゃん / Darso-chan / Dasco-chan

 I had just pushed Wiki Wednesday out all the way to January of 2022, and I was so excited to get on the train to getting Forgotten Friday to the same place. There's an issue, though. I need to do twenty-four articles to get all the way out there. One word doc has eighteen drafts ready, and another only has three. The one I was writing based off of the original spreadsheet has seven ready. So, technically I do have enough written to do it... but wow, that's a lot. Or is it if I can do six articles in a day? At that pace I could do it.

Forgotten Friday #136 - だすこ*ちゃん / Darso-chan / Dasco-chan

So, I am fully aware that giving details like "I just started a new word document!" is at best confusing.

I wrote some articles on my phone and then moved to my computer to process them. (It also stopped me from binge eating! Yay!) I got ten done and had just saved the icon to upload for the 11th article when the internet went out. Oh joy.

Well, I sucked it up and drank some coffee while I watched Drag Race: Vegas Revue

I thought about it, and I'm in a zone. The articles are of lower quality. I tended to go deep into small details in the how is the bank section before, but now it's a simplistic mess that says almost nothing. And I think that's probably okay.

I don't really know how to explain my specific anxiety around my blog at this moment, because it's not normal anxiety? Like, it's a wall. And I can one by one remove bricks. And every brick gone makes my insides feel a little happier. So, a ding in quality for happy insides? I'll take it.

Who is Dasco-chan?

Official art from site

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #125 - リィア-・ヴァ-ティナ- / Leer Vertiner

Huh. Vaatina-. I was saying Ver-tuh-near. I mean, replacing the dashes with "r" means Vartinar. I'm glad I added the official katakana version.

Wiki Wednesday #125 - リィア-・ヴァ-ティナ- /  Leer Vertiner

Oh no… so, Leer is an oc made for a DeviantArt group that's like a freedom D&D based off of a Japanese video game series. I mean, it's a structured roleplay group. Or… it was. In 2016, Tales of Devotia shut down, seemingly forever. 

Apparently, roleplay group on DeviantArt are straight up cursed. This one group has had at least two major schisms and had massive amounts of broken friendships littering the path. An updated version of him was made for TalesofYlemiaRP, a roleplay group made by akiVinz themselves. The dA group seems a bit dead, but apparently they have a discord server where things are still going decently enough!

Good for akiVinz. Be the change you want in this world.

Who is Leer Vertiner?

Official Art from Bank

Friday, July 23, 2021

Forgotten Friday #135 - Cure She's RENYA

 I'm so proud of myself! This is the last article from the document from which this comes from! I completed that whole document! Now I go to the next document. I think after that one, all of the stuff I prepared in advanced for Forgotten Friday will be all used up! I think my head is in a better place with that accomplishment, so I definitely will break up the articles of the next major family.

Forgotten Friday #135 - Cure She's RENYA

Hurrah hurray what a wonderful day! This is the last UTAU from this specific family. I know because she's the last one on the list of UTAUs on the site.

It is tiring covering everyone in a family at once. You want to see bright new horizons! But doing it like this is a really good idea because, well, everyone goes in order. There's no skipping poor kids just because I'm sick of their family. And then I forget to go back. And then there's just banks hanging out in my download folder like, "I'm here… waiting…"

And boy howdy! My download folder needs a good deep cleaning.

Who is RENYA?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Wiki Wendesday #124 - 宝音ツキ / Tsuki Tarakane

I have like a hundred things I need to be doing at this moment, but I ran into an issue or two. But, let me give you advice that may sound stupid. When you quit Twitter, don't deactivate your account. Twitter is the best way to contact almost everyone in the vocal synth fandom. If you do work like I do, you will need to contact people eventually. Instead of deleting it, just block in on your browser so that you can't visit it unless you absolutely need to turn it off to DM someone.

Wiki Wendesday #124 - 宝音ツキ / Tsuki Tarakane

I didn't go to great effort to find out if Tsuki had any new banks. I went to mild effort. I checked YouTube to see if there were any bank release videos. I didn't message KS72 about it. But, I think I'm safe assuming that the bank on the wiki page is the only one that is up now.

I'm going to out and say it. Myst messes up designs when she draws UTAUs. Her art is fine, it's just that Tsuki has a really cool design on her shoes. There are gem shaped wings jutting up from the sides that cover her ankles. If I were to draw them, I would add shading to make them seem translucent and shine like gems. Myst drew them as some ren-faire elf boots. She didn't even try to get it right, as the sides of the actual boots jut upwards, and her boots just randomly flopped over horizontally. She always messes up at least one element. If no one is paying her for it, and she's doing it out of kindness, then you can't complain. It's just annoying because it makes the design worse.

Who is Takarane Tsuki?

Official Art from Wiki

Friday, July 16, 2021

Forgotten Friday #134 - Cure She's NICORA

 There will be two UTAUs from the same family in a row right quick. I apologize, but I am going so nyoom not thinking about these things!

Forgotten Friday #134 - Cure She's NICORA

This Chiquita was released in July of 2014. So, you know, last year. Haha. That was a joke, or as it is said in Japanese, superfluous speech. 

I know that, at the time of writing but definitely not as the time of posting, it is 2020. 2014 was a million years ago. That's hyperbole!

It is strange, however. Because Forgotten Friday was supposed to be about UTAUs from the very beginning. But, I have a feeling that to newer users, 2014 is beyond ancient.

Who is NICORA?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #123 - Willow Aether

Boy howdy am I worn out! I have fourteen uploads complete from since I started working after the internet came back. That sounds really impressive, but it's just because one of the UTAUs had eight banks. So, I didn't even get five articles done yet! Thankfully, I was able to find an UTAU I had written about that only has one bank to test. Yay!

Wiki Wednesday #123 - Willow Aether

I just did five articles, finalized, scheduled, on my computer! And, amazingly, this helps so much. I had thought that there was more information on an UTAU inside the bank than was on the internet, so I did save that one and did it completely on my computer. The thing is that it took less time, because I think I'm like sixty words per minute. On my phone, especially with having to wrestle auto-correct, I'm probably at a respectable ten words per minute. But, I can go anywhere with internet and sit on whatever surface. It's a cell phone, so the places with internet are almost limitless! 

Who is Willow Aether?

official art from wiki

Friday, July 9, 2021

Forgotten Friday #133 - つぎはぎちゃん / Tsugihagi-chan

 I randomly got "Baby Shark" stuck in my head. Literally no idea how. I'm sorry if you have it stuck in your head now too. 

Forgotten Friday #133 - つぎはぎちゃん / Tsugihagi-chan

On one hand, no official site. On the other hand, no official site means no brothers and sisters. 

The answer is no. She does have other UTAUs related to her. However, they actually were counted in ruto.yu I believe! So they will not be spoken of in this specific batch of articles written in this word document. Well, Google docs thing.

Who is Tsugihagi-chan?

Official Art from Bank

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Wiki Wednesday #122 - 豆田いふく / Mameda Ifuku

I am doing wonderfully on Huel! I absolutely adore it. It's making weight loss very easy. The high fiber means that my tummy isn't bloating, and the protein means that I feel fuller for longer. I love it. I drink Huel Black Chocolate, and it is wonderful. 

Wiki Wednesday #123 - 豆田いふく / Mameda Ifuku

This UTAU is a plushie! The manager made a human design also, but like, plushie!

I'm not sure how much there is to say on this UTAU without cracking open the readme file. I can't do that because I'm on my phone. 

Anyway, on to the article.

Who is Ifuku Mameda?

Official Icon from Site

Friday, July 2, 2021

Forgotten Friday #132 - 華峯結月 / Hanamine Yuduki

I'm doing well! I'm getting articles done!

Forgotten Friday #132 - 華峯結月 / Hanamine Yuduki

Yuduki. That's how it's officially romanized on the site. That feels really awkward! 

This group has a lot of UTAUs, but only this one and Magical Girl Saonyan qualified in a row. More of them might pop up later… but yay! Only two to break up and not more!

Who is Yuduki Hanamine?

Official Art from Bank

I was a big dummy - Multi-pitch CVVC banks are broken by the automatic button.

 Hi there! I'm on mobile at the moment, but I felt it was important to make this announcement.

Almost every single time I complained about a Multi-pitch CVVC bank being broken, it wasn't the bank's fault. I had left the automatic button in shareware utau on at all times as that button automatically converts CV to VCV and shows exactly what samples is playing. Really useful!

However, it breaks banks that include VC samples. In a single pitch bank, you don't notice as what it does as it just gives up and refuse to apply a suffix. With Multi-pitch, especially when every sample has a suffix, that means stuff just doesn't play.

With the number of articles on the blog, I have no idea how many places I've made this mistake. If I find an article where I messed up, I will edit it to point out the mistake. However, like I said, I have no idea what articles have the issue. Articles posted after this may have the issue, as I have articles written and scheduled until 2022.

I will try to do better in the future!