Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, July 23, 2021

Forgotten Friday #135 - Cure She's RENYA

 I'm so proud of myself! This is the last article from the document from which this comes from! I completed that whole document! Now I go to the next document. I think after that one, all of the stuff I prepared in advanced for Forgotten Friday will be all used up! I think my head is in a better place with that accomplishment, so I definitely will break up the articles of the next major family.

Forgotten Friday #135 - Cure She's RENYA

Hurrah hurray what a wonderful day! This is the last UTAU from this specific family. I know because she's the last one on the list of UTAUs on the site.

It is tiring covering everyone in a family at once. You want to see bright new horizons! But doing it like this is a really good idea because, well, everyone goes in order. There's no skipping poor kids just because I'm sick of their family. And then I forget to go back. And then there's just banks hanging out in my download folder like, "I'm here… waiting…"

And boy howdy! My download folder needs a good deep cleaning.

Who is RENYA?

Official Art from Bank

While she is also a fourteen year old girl, RENYA doesn't resemble Nicora and RUKATA at all. 

To begin, let's describe her outfit. She, of course, has the default anime skin tone. The most striking thing about her design sadly feels like a mistake. The majority of her color scheme is rather muted, but her shorts and bracelets are an extremely bright and saturated blue. Almost all of the UTAUs in this collection have the same bands around their wrists, only in different colors that match their design's color scheme. They lay flat on the skin and tend to be shaded as if they were made of metal. However, the best descriptor I can give is that they resemble sweatbands.

Her shorts reach to her mid thighs. Due to anatomy being a little wonky, the shorts look much shorter than they were intended to be. Her legs are wonky, but that's an artistic thing and not part of her character. She wears knee high white stockings and brown boots. Over her grey collared shirt is a steel blue sweater. I forget the term for when the arms of your sweater end at your elbow. Half length?

She wears a maroon bow and has steel blue eyes. Her chin length hair is tawny and messy bangs fill in the space around her eyes. 

I learned from Project Runway Junior that at one point, it was fashionable for girls in parts of China to wear a headband with a plant on it. It created the illusion that there was a plant sprouting from the top of your head. There is a plant sprouting out of RENYA's head because she is a forest fairy. 

Google translate didn't even try to translate her favorite thing. "蒟○ゼリー". I have no idea why there was a circle there. Maybe… the manager didn't know the second kanji? Or just anything devil's tongue related was okay? I think that it means a gelatin based dessert that is flavored by an Asian plant that is confused for a yam.

She hates cold places and can use her magical forest fairy powers to shrink down to a small size.

Boy howdy. I went to all the trouble to describe everything deeply, and I still didn't get to six hundred words. What's up with that?!

So, I'll explain. SEO is this magical process where you do everything you can to make search engines deliver results to you. I… don't need SEO. My AdSense account is for only YouTube and I have no idea how to fix it, and this blog is extremely niche and comes up as search results for very unpopular UTAUs already. But, if I swap over to LearnMMD, I do need to care about SEO, and my articles do need to be six hundred words.

I just don't like double standards, I guess.

How is RENYA's bank?

Renya just has a one pitch CV bank. I thought she'd have the sweetest and lightest voice out of all of the UTAUs related to HUYA, but it's kind of deep and nasal. I'm not the biggest fan.

Where can I download RENYA?

You can download her from her distribution page. I think that there are people out there who would like her! 

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