Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, July 9, 2021

Forgotten Friday #133 - つぎはぎちゃん / Tsugihagi-chan

 I randomly got "Baby Shark" stuck in my head. Literally no idea how. I'm sorry if you have it stuck in your head now too. 

Forgotten Friday #133 - つぎはぎちゃん / Tsugihagi-chan

On one hand, no official site. On the other hand, no official site means no brothers and sisters. 

The answer is no. She does have other UTAUs related to her. However, they actually were counted in ruto.yu I believe! So they will not be spoken of in this specific batch of articles written in this word document. Well, Google docs thing.

Who is Tsugihagi-chan?

Official Art from Bank

Tsugihagi-chan was originally a stuffed animal who was abandoned. They became a tsukumogami. I had to Google that one.

Basically, that's when a spirit enters a tool or object. Reading Wikipedia at random sentences, Tsugihagi-chan was abandoned for a hundred years. 

They are a doll with half of a human face and half of a doll face. The big bunny ears are tattered and one has a clothes pin. She wears… I guess Victorian style clothes and her dress is maroon.

I have a feeling not many people will read this article, so I can say it. I was holding on. Just barely holding on because life and stuff. But this made me remember the velveteen rabbit. And I was just holding my phone as singular tears just rolled from my eyes. Then I put down my phone and sobbed. I sang through the tears as best I could, because isn't that what you do? Warble Johnny Cash's cover of hurt even though you can't breathe out of your nose?

I calmed down enough and I ate a pint of vegan ice cream. It was cashew milk. I did end up feeling sick, but it was an entire pint. Like 720 calories. I ate some tortilla chips for salt and then felt way, way better.

I still just feel on the edge of breaking down. Like.

Life happens to everyone, and give the state of the world, life is being cruel to everyone. I spent so long just being okay to an extent. I would pout about brain fog and not being able to do things just because I mentally and physically couldn't. I would procrastinate and be annoyed at myself, but I just snapped in half.

I've lost my recent memories again. This means that a change is here. I'm not exactly who I was just a few days ago.

I don't know what to do, you know? Because there's this sinking feeling that nothing I do matters balanced against the diametrically opposed that everything I do matters and I'm not doing it fast enough. Like, the videos of me playing with Mirisei hard are either coming out or are out at the time of writing. And I feel like that means I need to release her, but her soft bank is only half done, and I need to do the art. But am I even capable? I… think. Maybe. I hope. 

And sobbing over being useless in the capitalistic sense is fully pointless, and I'm aware. But it still stings knowing that a normal life is just kind of out of my reach. I do have a plan to make bank, mind you. I just have to wait for things to shake out politically. (Farming. My plan is farming that is illegal right now.)

I'm pretty sure no one will read this, but if you did, I'm sorry. America is unfair and toxic with work culture. I can't work. I try to accept that… and I do most of the time. But then all of the thoughts of bootstraps yell in my head.

Anyway, the utau I should have been talking about loves playing and having tea parties.

How is Tsugihagi-chan's bank?

uh... sorry, past Mae. Life gets better! You lose your memories again and end up happy! I literally forgot all of that stuff I wrote before happening. So... yay for progress? And you did release Mirisei! 

Anyway, Tsugihagi-chan is a rentan bank. It's the old stringed CV method, not the one where you almost record a CVVC bank and then don't. (rawr >:C)

Other than a little static and being a one pitch CV bank, she is basically perfect and I love her. Her voice is soft and sweet. It is consistent. It is just so... I love it, and it matches her design.

Where can I download Tsugihagi-chan?

I'm going to do an illegal right now. There is genuinely a chance that the link shortener that was used will become non-functioning. So, here's the direct link. You can find the password here, but like, it's literally what your first guess was. 

I almost never do this, so you know that this UTAU made me feel feelings. I hope that Tsugihagi-chan makes you feel good feelings also. 

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