Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Wiki Wednesday #209 - Amai Kishimune / 軋む音甘い

 Emily, not fully fronting.

Wiki Wednesday #209 - Amai Kishimune / 軋む音甘い

Marley Hatsune created this sixteen year old girl. It is so interesting to read something from someone's youth. Though Amai is still a child (when you're old, teenagers are children), Amai is stated to be childish despite being a grown woman.

Who Is Kishimune Amai?

Art by Marley Hatsune

This is fictional Ouura.

I learned about platonic and familial love and how I needed it to be happy. But Madians were still just so unbearably… vacant.

I had taken a break from posting on the forums while I basked in the glow of interpersonal relationships. But, like I said, I was sick of conversations where nothing of meaning was ever said.

It was rare to get a private message, so I was shocked when I saw the notification. I opened it. It was just a short message asking if I was alright. I looked at the screen name and the avatar. It clicked. Jourheh with the weird green symbol on the black and white background was the one who named me Beaky! I remembered when he changed his screen name after my botched attempt to explain bheezaxoo.

Minha asked me to add that apparently I was at the maturity level of a fifteen year old human.

I realized that if I sat down and thought about what I should say, I wouldn't say anything in the end. I just carelessly responded with a glib remark about everyone being so dumb.

I didn't expect it, but I quickly got a response. He told me that he had the opposite problem. Everyone was just too smart and it was very frustrating. Being older meant that I had access to the instant messaging system. I asked if he was old enough to switch over to it. He told me he had just gotten access, so I knew that he was my age if he wasn't lying.

We cautiously introduced ourselves. Minha wanted me to include this sentiment that I don't understand: it was like the AOL days when everyone was a dog. I?? Hope that was helpful?

I was given a class, and apparently so was he, where we had it drilled into us that personal details like our names or even our planets were dangerous to share. He told me that it was just a way to get teens to not share the actually dangerous information. No harm could come from saying that I am an Aaiiu living on Madia Luna, but harm could come from saying what city I live in or what school I go to. Let kids 'break the rules' without actually endangering themselves.

But, I still kept it a secret. Partially because, at the time, Madia Luna actually had no pronounceable name. I was just from 'a moon you never heard of'. He took my cue and said he was from a Union planet that I had probably heard of. I didn't care about the Union, so I definitely knew that I had never heard of it. I didn't let him know that, though. 

Neither of us had phones. We were both just lines of text on each others' computers. But we chatted every day. We never bothered asking if it was day or night or when we had to sleep. We somehow always made sure to send each other at least one message a day.

We were young and didn't talk about anything meaningful. We were sarcastic and made morbid jokes because neither of us could in our real lives.

How Is Amai Kishimune's bank?

Amai has a one pitch, romaji encoded CV bank. The otos could be improved. Her voice is absolutely wonderful. It is adorable and cute without being shrill. It is nice and soft, but still has a bit of a powerful edge. Though, the pronunciation can be strange.

Where can I download Kishimune Amai's bank?

The link is on her Fandom page. She is a very nice cv bank, but she has a very unique accent.

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