Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, June 30, 2023

Forgotten Friday #236 - saishiki's 白華 / Hakka

 I had an idea for a fun challenge, but I had already downloaded these banks.

Forgotten Friday #236 - saishiki's 白華 / Hakka

Hakka has a whole biography and back story. However, I am not good at thinking right now to figure out how to convey it since I just read the translated version and the translation felt strange. She loves science, hates heights, and likes to pat children on the head.

Who is Hakka?

Art from bank

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Wiki Wednesday #225 - Andina Megitha R.'s Yuurei

 I wanted to wait until the utau had a chance to be updated, but her voice provider has been missing since 2015.

Wiki Wednesday #225 - Andina Megitha R.'s Yuurei

This utau is from Indonesia. She is thirteen and wants to be a chef. She loves eating pancakes and hates broken headphones. Of Course, she loves singing.

Who is Yuurei?

Art from Wiki

Friday, June 23, 2023

Forgotten Friday #235 - 藍白ヒョウキ / Aishiro Hyouki

 not as nyoom as last time, sadly.

Forgotten Friday #235 - 藍白ヒョウキ / Aishiro Hyouki

Hyouki's most defining feature seems to be that she has a brother. She is around eighteen years old and loves meat buns and hates staying still. She has a bright personality.

Who is Hyouki Aishiro?

Official art from site

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Wiki Wednesday #224 - Yuu Asakeru

 the Russian Fandom looks like so much fun to be in. Always high quality with great art and a sense that everything is a collaboration. Maybe I'm completely wrong because I've never asked if it's actually like that.

Wiki Wednesday #224 - Yuu Asakeru

Many utaus are stated to hate stupid people. To which I say... Hey :( I'm trying here.

I didn't expect Yuu to be fourteen based on her art.  She loves playing ball with her best friend and eating apples. 

Who is Asakeru Yuu?

Official art from wiki. The lines look to have anti-aliasing and look too perfect to be hand inked (the anti-aliasing is what would make it too perfect) but that coloring has to be traditional and I AM IN LOVE with the art.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Forgotten Friday #234 - ヴィルジール / Virglie LAMBERT


Forgotten Friday #234 - ヴィルジール / Virglie LAMBERT

Virglie is a French ghost who loves the harpsichord. He is childish and hates studying.

Who is Virglie?

Official art 

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Wiki Wednesday #223 - Yuni Tokaji

 Yay for pushing through and making progress!

Wiki Wednesday #223 - Yuni Tokaji

The1renatu created a page for Aimi Fufuru in April of 2020. She was a sixteen year old who loves singing. Her name was then changed to Yuni Tokaji. None of those names brought up anything on Bing search, and searching the username on Google brought up the no results page. So, this is an utau with no design and no personality, but there is a CV bank with no oto or FRQ files.

Who is Tokaji Yuni?

Pic unrelated

Friday, June 9, 2023

Forgotten Friday #233 - 幽音つるぎ / Kakurine Tsurugi

 I'm really far behind - I'm writing this on June 2nd - this current Friday.

Forgotten Friday #233 - 幽音つるぎ / Kakurine Tsurugi

Tsurugi is a nineteen year old woman. She is a sorcerer who loves sweet food and has really bad vision. For a Japanese utau, she has a very complete backstory that includes other utaus in a fantasy world.

Who Is Tsurugi Kakurine?

Official art from Bank

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Wiki Wednesday #222 - Yumiko Ume / 梅由美子

 depression is hard, so my words are pretty bad. Perhaps, the fact that my Internet was so bad previously, was the fact that the reason that the text to speech did not work. So, maybe I can use text to speech now. ( note: I confuse text to speech and speech to text. it didn't work well.)

Wiki Wednesday #222 - Yumiko Ume / 梅由美子

Ume is a fourteen year old girl with an adorable design. She loves food, books, hot chocolate, and cold weather. She dislikes hot weather. She is calm, but can be grumpy. 

Who Is Ume Yumiko?

Official art from Fandom

Friday, June 2, 2023

Forgotten Friday #232 - 霖音スイ / Nagamene Sui

 I haven't been this productive in a while!

Forgotten Friday #232 - 霖音スイ / Nagamene Sui

He is a cat, but he hates fish?! Okay, he's really a seventeen year old cat man furry type thing as opposed to an actual cat. He likes bamboo dumplings and rainy days. 

Who is Sui Nagamene?

Official art from site, I first thought he was a conductor