Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, June 2, 2023

Forgotten Friday #232 - 霖音スイ / Nagamene Sui

 I haven't been this productive in a while!

Forgotten Friday #232 - 霖音スイ / Nagamene Sui

He is a cat, but he hates fish?! Okay, he's really a seventeen year old cat man furry type thing as opposed to an actual cat. He likes bamboo dumplings and rainy days. 

Who is Sui Nagamene?

Official art from site, I first thought he was a conductor

"Charlotte," Tobias reached out and placed his hand on Charlotte's shoulder. "How old do you think I am?"

Charlotte let herself pout and make an annoyed noise. "You're stupidly old."

"And how long have I lived here?" Tobias pulled his hand away as he gestured at the house in the distance. "I'm not stupidly old, but I've had life experiences. I started this work because I was burnt out. I worked in the best and most prestigious restaurants as a cook." He softly chuckled to himself. "I had an amulet that completely suppressed my powers, so everything I did was completely me."

"A cooking class?" Charlotte scoffed. "Like I could get the board to approve that."

"Not just cooking!" Tobias laughed. "Think about it - if we were normal people, Family and Consumer Sciences would be a useful course. But we're not - it would be a course for masking out in the real world."

Charlotte blushed. She was lucky that she had nepotism on her side growing up. She made mistakes that would have gotten less connected witches thrown into jail when she left the containment zone. "I think I could sell that. I really think I could sell a class that would make it easier to keep magic a secret to the board."

"But how worried are you?" He sighed. "You're spearheading some really dangerous things."

"Well..." She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "If it goes badly enough, I can change my name back to Lottie and let my parents bail me out."

"That's comforting to a degree." He looked back towards Connie's house. "I never asked, but how did you do it? Where are the new sponges?" [abbreviation of spontaneously gifted]

"Oh, well..." Charlotte opened her eyes. "You know how we did it. Find the magical babies and steal them. I used the racism of the old guard."

Tobias waited for her to finish, but she didn't continue. "Okay, you told them that we didn't need sponges that don't look like them - but they're still extremely paranoid about normal humans finding out about magic."

"Exactly." Charlotte nodded. "So we lie to the parents about a medical condition to implant an object that completely suppresses any powers for about thirty years."

"And they're okay that in thirty years we'll suddenly have a bunch of quarter age new witches?" Tobias was genuinely confused as he watched Charlotte's nearly emotionless face.

"No." Charlotte's face was still stoic. "I lied. I said it was forever."

"Char!" She could see the genuine concern and distress on his face as he exclaimed. "Why would you put yourself in danger?!"

"Because what will they do to me?" She shrugged. "This wasn't just me. I'm had almost every witch under thirty on my side. I was just the pretty face that could avoid consequences if we were found out." She finally let herself break the tension and laughed. "Besides, I know you know my end goal. This whole two worlds thing is going to end as soon as I can end it."

How Is Nagamene Sui's bank?

I thought this would kind of be a lower effort utau based on the fact that it's the male counterpart to a female utau with many vcv banks. But no! This is a three pitch VCV bank. The otos aren't great, but Yolo, I'm not fixing them. 

The voice is really good and sounds like a professional voice actor in an anime. It would sound better with fixed otos, though.

Where can I download Sui Nagamene?

You can download him from his official site. He's great!

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