Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, January 19, 2024

Forgotten Friday #265 - 愛琉歌ウェヌ / Airuga Wenu

 I thought I had covered all of the Airuga banks, but that was Wiki Wednesday probably? And Wenu was released in 2013.

Forgotten Friday #265 - 愛琉歌ウェヌ / Airuga Wenu

The font used once you translate the text on his profile is really hard to read right now. I'm not wearing my glasses because I'm too lazy to get out of bed, though.

I think he's a twenty-two year old cook on a pirate ship who loves knives. 

Who Is Wenu Airuga?

Art from bowlroll distribution 

Charlotte was in the middle of trying to find a child psychiatrist for McKenzie. Aliyah had given her a heartfelt speech while holding back tears about how McKenzie deserved a chance to be medicated. Charlotte lied and said that the child psychiatrist would know best and put McKenzie on the right path. It was basically fifty-fifty on whether any of them would help, so Charlotte was going down every path possible to make sure that Aliyah never found out that she had lied.

"Excuse me!"

Charlotte looked up at the doorway to her office. Of course.

A tall and thin woman with a fake tan and fur coat was seething as a portly man who was extremely annoyed stood just behind her.

"Do you know how much money we give to this school!" The woman's voice was shrill and off-putting.

Charlotte looked down at the screen on her desk. She inconspicuously tapped on the screen until the names of the parents appeared. (They had gone to the school themselves, so the system still had their magical signatures.) She looked up, "Tori and Chuck Willow. Is this about Wisteria?" She asked herself why anyone would name a child Wisteria Willow.

"Why is my daughter wasting valuable class time playing Minesweeper?" Chuck warbled. How was his voice even more piercing and obnoxious than Tori's, Charlotte wondered.

Charlotte took a deep breath. She had two options - throw Daffodil under the bus, or take care of it herself. She thought about how she was the kind of person to always throw her problems onto someone else. But then she thought about everything she was learning from the whole McKenzie situation. She wanted to be sarcastic and insult them, but she remembered the moment that she realized that she couldn't do her villain monologue to Connie and have her plans work.

"Yes," Charlotte calmly nodded her head and explained. "Willow is playing Minesweeper in class so that she can learn how to use the mouse. Once she learns to use the mouse confidently, she will move onto typing games so that she can learn to type confidently."

"Why does she need to do that?" Tori hissed. "I haven't touched a computer since college! Everything you'd ever need is on a phone!"

"I have heard that often." Charlotte nodded.

"Well?" Chuck crossed his arms, "what are you going to do about her wasted time?"

"In today's climate, technological literacy is extremely important." Charlotte did not smile. She remained neutral. "Even if she were to find a job that did not require using a computer, her college or university would likely require her to use computers. We could transfer her to a more advanced class, but she might fail due to not knowing how to type."

The parents grumbled.

"She spends weekends at home, right?" Charlotte finally smiled. "If you can get her to type at sixty words per minute, I'll have her transferred."

The parents knew they had been beaten, so they left.

How Are Airuga Wenu's banks?

Wenu has three one pitch vcv banks. I gotta complain for a second. One has a name yuukureesu. It automatically translated in edge as Euclase. This is a mineral to go along with the Blue Topaz append. But when I first read it, I thought it was Eucharist. I didn't know how to spell it, and Edge just gave me results for organizations in Europe. I start typing it in Google and it knew what I meant and gave me the right result halfway through misspelling it in the search bar.

That aside! First, the regular VCV. He has a soft and calming voice.

Next is Blue Topaz. His voice is so sweet and pretty!

Finally, Euclase. Euclase is a very pretty blue mineral. His voice doesn't match his other voices very well, but it is still nice.

Where Can I download Wenu Airuga?

You can download him from the official Airuga site. He's nice!

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