Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Wiki Wednesday #252 - Lazy Dog's SAIKO / SAIコ

 Happy New Year!

Wiki Wednesday #252 - Lazy Dog's SAIKO /  SAIコ

Seiko is an eleven year old boy who hates being called a girl. He likes sharks and his back story takes a very sudden turn towards a sad things.

Who is SAIKO?

Art from Wiki


One-Fourth Siren, Part One

For centuries, maybe even millennia, supernatural creatures were hidden and banished from human life. Then, one day, nearly everyone simultaneously dropped that tradition.

I didn't think I was anything special. My adopted parents did always tell me about my mother and how much she loved me and how much it hurt her to give me away. It didn't really register to me that sirens weren't just a normal thing. I didn't have any supernatural powers, and I didn't become a mermaid when doused with water.

That changed. I was sitting in class, just like every other school day, and then I sneezed. Just a normal sneeze. In that moment, though, the floor was covered in half a foot of seawater. There were shrieks from the rest of my classmates. They didn't even know I was adopted, let alone not even human.

The teacher, though, knew. She was a bit dumbfounded. I found out later that I was some kind of protected class. She couldn't acknowledge it was my fault - but at the same time, I had no idea it was my fault. So she reassured everyone that their parents wouldn't need to pay for their damaged textbooks and continued on with the lesson.

Once the day was over and no other students could piece things together, I was pulled into the principal's office where my parents were already sitting.

"So," my dad cleared his throat. He was old, and so was my mom. They were so happy when their adult children were excited for a little playmate for their own children when they wanted to adopt me. He turned and looked me in the eye. "Tilly, I'm sorry you had to realize it this way."

"Huh?" I blinked. "Realize what?"

My mom tutted. "I told you, John. She knows herself to be a nonmagical human."

"Well," the principal sighed. "You know, she is very much a protected class. We cannot discriminate against her or deny her an education, but we also can't afford for everyone to ruin their shoes and books every other week."

"That was me?" I was deflated. "I did that?"

"Oh honey." My mom took a deep breath. "I'm sorry we never prepared you. Your mother reassured us that you were only one-fourth siren. You wouldn't run into anything like this."

My dad looked back to my mom. There was silence. 

"But..." My mom sighed. "That's not particularly a siren thing - to summon water. We had assumed your father was human... But."

My mother didn't know my father. Or she did and wouldn't tell us. My parents always told me, she would have done anything to give me a normal human life. So they were okay with any and all lies as long as it meant they could adopt me from her. There was no choice for her - I couldn't breathe under water like her. I had to live on land as a human.

"I wish we could ask." I mumbled.

How Is SAIKO's bank?

SAIKO has a one pitch VCV bank. His voice is super cute and high quality!

Where Can I Download SAIKO?

You can find the link to download him on his Wiki page. He's a cool utau!

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