Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Wiki Wednesday #253 - Akia Amachi

 so close to my goal!

Wiki Wednesday #253 - Akia Amachi

Akia is a "make your friends and family record an utau" utau managed by zimtroeschen. It is so much fun to share your hobby, but it can be frustrating when the result isn't as good as you hoped because it's tricky recording anything with people who don't know what's going on.

She is a sixteen introvert that is very easily injured and loves to play single player video games.

Who Is Amachi Akia?

Art from Wiki

One-fourth Siren, Part Two

Sirens don't have cellphones. Sirens don't have mailing addresses. My mother was a nomad. If she lived in a colony, we might have been able to find her... But she was just out there, somewhere we'd never find.

Maybe that was why my parents sold their condo in Florida and moved back to be with their children in Wyoming. I think they were right - gazing out into the ocean and wondering why my mother wouldn't come out to meet me probably would have been heartbreaking.

It didn't matter what questions we had - as soon as she could transform back into her siren form, she was gone. We had tried DNA testing to find my father - there was no simple testing for what kind of magic you are - but I had no relatives on Earth according to every single DNA testing company.

"I hope you understand," the principal leaned forward, "It would be advantageous for us to give Tilly medical leave. She would be able to complete her courses online, but this is a very..." He paused. "She may be too distressed to do so, so we would understand if she isn't able to complete her work."

I didn't particularly like or dislike school. I was good at it, but I didn't really make many friends. "I'm okay with that." I nodded before reiterating, "I don't think I would be too upset about not coming to school."

"I want to fight you on this." My mother slouched in her seat. "But I understand. If Tilly is okay, I understand that the public school system is underfunded."

My parents were retired and didn't have many hobbies. Of course they'd be able to look after me during school hours.

And that was that. There was plenty of paperwork to do, so my father stayed behind while my mother brought me out to our car. 

Once I was in the back seat, she handed me my tablet. She wasn't good at situations like this. I didn't want to press her, so I pulled out my wired earbuds and started watching videos.

When my dad got into the car after what felt like an eternity, my mother suddenly broke the silence. "We're going to San Diego." I pulled out the earbuds.

"Huh." My father nodded. "I trust your judgement."

"What?" I was quiet, but I knew they heard me. "What's in San Diego?"

"There, there is a support group for supernatural children who were adopted by humans." My mom looked back at me. "You deserve the ability to meet people going through the same thing as you."

"Huh." I nodded. "Okay. I think it would be fun to see a new place, and it would be helpful to learn what other people do in person instead of just reading about it online."

"Exactly." My dad turned on the car.

"But... No planes." My mom shook her head. "We can't afford that much damage if something happens."

How are Akia Amachi's banks?

Akia has three banks.

First, we will look at her CV bank. She is romaji only in this bank. The otos are only half done, but I understand why. When you're starting out, otos take forever. Her voice is very cute!

Next Is her VCV. It is tiny as far as file size goes!! The otos look to be moresampler and there are strange things like the VV having pauses between them. But her voice is still super cute!

Next is her CV-VV with multiple language support. I will just be using it for Japanese. She has a really pretty voice!

Where Can I Download Amachi Akia?

You can find her downloads on her wiki page. She's nice!

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