Axfc is a jerk. Here's my post on how to get downloads from there to work.

Multi-pitch CVVC banks do not work properly with the shareware A for automatic button!! Any articles where I complain about CVVC banks being broken is my own fault for not figuring it out sooner!!

Friday, August 30, 2024

Forgotten Friday #297 - チェミー / Chemmy

 I like when Japanese utaus state the intended Romanization. 

Forgotten Friday #297 - チェミー / Chemmy

Chemmy is an eighteen year old woman who is very mean until she takes her glasses off. Then, she cries a lot.

Who is Chemmy?

Official art

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wiki Wednesday #286 - Kanon Sakurai / 櫻井カノン


Wiki Wednesday #286 - Kanon Sakurai / 櫻井カノン

Kanon is a happy teenage girl who looks up to Camila Melodia. She dislikes the name Kanon and asks her friends to call her Sae.

Who is Sakurai Kanon?

Art from YouTube video

Friday, August 23, 2024

Forgotten Friday #296 - Lilrow / リルロー

 I like seeing veganism being mentioned. 

Forgotten Friday #296 - Lilrow / リルロー

Lilrow is a 21 year-old man who is an anthropomorphic lion. He's also vegan!

Who is Lilrow?

Art from vcv release video

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Wiki Wednesday #285 - KenTacoHut's KARASU

 back to Work!

Wiki Wednesday #285 - KenTacoHut's KARASU

Karasu is a fifteen year old fox who has mechanical implants that affect his emotions.

Art from wiki

Friday, August 16, 2024

Forgotten Friday #295 - 熱狂音キラ / Nekkyoune Kira


Forgotten Friday #295 - 熱狂音キラ / Nekkyoune Kira

It wasn't difficult to find Kira - her release video was linked to in the matome. But trying to find information was a dead end. She is fifteen and that's basically all you'll find out without trying to read the blurry text in her release video.

Who is Kira Nekkyoune?

Art from release video (the video was very old)

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wiki Wednesday #284 - Illya Rikiya / イーリヤリキヤ

 anyone here into diffsinger? Sound off in the comments.

Wiki Wednesday #284 - Illya Rikiya / イーリヤリキヤ

Illya was named after Illinois. He is a very determined 18 year old man who likes salads.

Who is Rikiya Illya?

Art from wiki


Friday, August 9, 2024

Forgotten Friday #294 - Kira Tsubasane / 翼音キラ

 it feels good to be productive!

Forgotten Friday #294 - Kira Tsubasane / 翼音キラ

Kira is a 16 year old tomboy. She likes to talk a lot.

Who is Tsubasane Kira?

Art from wiki

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Wiki Wednesday #283 - Ikuyo Yasujiro / 野洲白いくよ

 not feeling that great, but I want to alleviate anxiety by working on this blog.

Wiki Wednesday #283 - Ikuyo Yasujiro / 野洲白いくよ

Ikuyo is a teen girl who loves rabbits.

Who is Yasujiro Ikuyo?

Art from wiki

Friday, August 2, 2024

Forgotten Friday #293 - Yua Raiden / 雷電結愛

 this utau was made by TheDrunkRecruit.

Forgotten Friday #293 - Yua Raiden / 雷電結愛

Man, this utau is a trip. I get annoyed by the yandere trope, but seeing it written out without calling the yandere trope by name makes me think "this would make for a good horror story."

Yua is a shy ten year old girl who loves her brother. Her voice provider is the younger sister of the manager of this utau.

Who Is Raiden Yua?

Art from bank
