the neurologist says doesn't like to call non-epileptic seizures, but it's easier to describe as seizures. Writing may be tough.
Forgotten Friday #262 - 水音ルゥ / Mizunone Lugh
Who Is Lugh Mizunone?
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the neurologist says doesn't like to call non-epileptic seizures, but it's easier to describe as seizures. Writing may be tough.
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final wiki Wednesday of the year?!
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half way to Five Hundred!!
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I am now legally disabled and must report all earnings to the government.
I have never made enough from ads to cash out anything, but the idea of even possibly making money from my work gave me a sense of pride, even if it was eleven cents. That sense of pride isn't worth the government possibly asking me why my blog has ads.
Hopefully, disconnecting AdSense will mean that there will be no more ads going forward :)
the reason I want to finish so many articles is because I am almost out of stories and want to have a real reason to focus on writing.
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I weirdly feel like I'm being pranked, because this name returned no results on my blog, but it feels like I should have covered him already. It's because I didn't cover pre-2013 from the archive because I was going to go back to Ruto dot Yuu, but I am now sick of spreadsheets!
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I was weighing whether to cover this utau because he a jokeloid and he is a man dressing as a woman. Treating gender identity as a joke is extremely squicky to me... But then I listened to the samples! The VOICE is the joke, not the fact that the dude looks great in drag. A dude who dresses as a lady is cool as long as he isn't mocking dudes who dress like ladies.
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I got distracted by making tester usts. I feel like I got nothing done, but there's like three new ones and I randomly decided to do silly things that were a waste of time.
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nothing makes you realize how fast time goes like speed running a weekly series.
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I really need to catch up.
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is it Bocchi or Botchi? I'll go with the one that looks better.
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Yay for progress!
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I made Chinese tester ust files using the CVVChinese system! I thought this utau had more Chinese banks, so I made quite a few.
Art From Bank |
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I don't know what I want to do right now.
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his full name is Victor Miyakawa Yoshiyuki.
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brain not great.
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Thai script makes me feel really happy. Look at the little fish!
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I'm happy I am getting so much work done!
Official art from Bank |